Every congregation and set of elders do things differently, so your guess is as good as mine!
JoinedPosts by bubble
What do You Think? How much Time do we have Left?
by geevee inso, i havent been posting much of late, i found that i have needed to have a little mental break from the whole fading/falling away thing.
please dont take it personal.
i would like to hope that one day i/we will be able to fully stand on my own, and then truly help others.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Are They?
by Honesty inare jw's as reasonable as the watchtower society makes them out to be in its literature?.
the reason i ask is because one of my clients was shocked when he found out i had once been a jw.. his response was, "i used to work with several jw's and they were the most unreasonable people i have ever known.
Of course jws are unreasonable. They don't think they're right, they know they're right. This arrogance of belief is what pisses people off and their unwillingness to compromise to accomodate other's beliefs.
Why would God speak in symbols if he really wanted us to understand?
by rebel8 inif i was a deity and wanted people to know "the truth", i would just say it in plain language instead of veiling everything in symbolism, innuendo, and vague hints.
what does that method of communication accomplish?.
if i remember correctly, the borg answer to that is this method of communicating tricks the bad people but the good people can figure it out just fine.
I have had this thought for a long time. A LOVING god would make sure we had all the information necessary for a happy and fulfilling life, and full details of how he would like to be worshipped.
None of those things are clearly apparent in the bible, nor are his plans for the future or what (if anything) happens after death.
So it makes me wonder that if there is a god, is this book anything to do with him? If it isn't then what kind of LOVING father gives his children none of his wisdom and understanding to benefit their lives?
You can go round and round in circles on this subject!! -
My letter to the "Glorious Ones."...
by Justice-One ini thought you guys might get a hoot out of this letter that i just mailed..... dear elders (or should i call you glorious ones?).
you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time.
and you certainly do not have me fooled anymore.
This is such a good idea, I almost wish I was still attending meetings so that I could write a letter too.
by Dansk inour dear friend from norway, norman hovland, is to go into hospital tomorrow, thursday 18 october, for a small operation.
here's to norm - a real thorn in watchtower's side!
thinking of you always, mate!.
Get well soon Norm. XXX
Did you get the new tract?
by kid-A injust wanted to run an informal poll to see how "effective" or hopelessly "ineffective" the borg tract assimilation drive has been.. i for one, have not received the tract, and i live in densely populated development.
did anybody get it left in their doors/mailboxes?.
I haven't had one yet either.
I'm still waiting in eager anticipation.
I love to read a bit of drivel every now and then! -
Do You Really "Care" If Someone's Gay Or Not???
by minimus inso often, you see people all up in arms because it is revealed that an individual is "gay".
do you really care??
personally, i don't.
No I don't care if people are gay or not. Live and let live is my motto. Even when I was a dub it didn't bother me.
My parents and my sister, who are still dubs, however are the biggest homophobes you'll ever meet. That's Christian love for ya! -
Blood is Thicker than Water
by Clam in"blood is thicker than water.
" well technically speaking it is of course, but how do you feel about this saying?
it implies that those people you have a biological link with are somehow "extra special".
I don't know if you have children or not. But in my life my children come before anyone and I will always love them unconditionally until the day I die.
In that case blood is thicker than water. But as for all my other blood relatives that are currently shunning me - the jury's out on that one! -
I haven't seen the movie but someone else pointed out to me that the similarities with the dubs. I must watch it soon.
Did you go to meetings while on vacation?
by LovesDubs inugh...i did.
im so damn spiritual id leave well oiled spots on your suit if you rubbed up against me.
yeah...i packed kingdom hall clothes and service bags to go on vacation.
Hell no!
And even my super spiritual mum doesn't.