JoinedPosts by bocephus
For Christians- Evolution vs. creation the order of events matters!
by hooberus in.
Are you ex-jws serving Jehovah and Jesus out of fear of Armgeddon/Hellfire?
by booker-t inthe cycle never ends even when you leave the wt.
you go from one set of fears to another set of fears.
i used to be terrified of armageddon when i was a jw and just knew i was going to get hit by a lightning bolt from jehovah on that day.
Well put may of us served for fear of losing loved ones , for fear of Eternal darkness .
I was a serve for fesr of losing my family . Only to find out I had no real family , to be involved in an organization that destrots families is shamefull
Photos of Australian Snake eating kangaroo
by misspeaches in.
i was prompted to post this in response to the other thread about the huge snake in australia currently going... thought you might enjoy these piccys!.
Ive always been fond of trap door spiders ever seen them eat a bird ? wish I could find one allmost bought ine in tennessee
How many of you joined to placate family members ?
by bocephus ini was just wondering how many of you might have joined the organization to placate family members .
i can say as a teen i was baptized for the sole purpose of quieting my father .
how about you did you do it for the fear of losing family members
Thats funny those are all the things tney said to my sister when she disassciated herself . I avoide all that by just leaving allways the strong willed one I guess have barely spoken in the 19 years or so since
My Story
by XJW4EVR ini was adopted into a jw family in southern california.
my birth mother gave me up after 6 months (the terms mom & dad refer to my adoptive/real parents).
she gave me up due to the fact that she already had a three year old boy, and back in the late sixties it was not as socially acceptable to be a single mother.
Hello I too am new to the forum Your story parrellels mine in many ways I too was adopted well actually my sister and I were adopted . My parents were still studying at the time . I beleive they were baptized in 78 I was around 5 years old . I wish I could say I had as many fond memories of my chikdhood as you . I hva learned to make the best of things thogh , asfter many years of seperation from my parents I now have a wonderfull relationship with my birth mother . So i guess there are happy endings after al
How many of you joined to placate family members ?
by bocephus ini was just wondering how many of you might have joined the organization to placate family members .
i can say as a teen i was baptized for the sole purpose of quieting my father .
how about you did you do it for the fear of losing family members
I was just wondering how many of you might have joined the organization to placate family members . I can say as a teen I was baptized for the sole purpose of quieting my father . how about you did you do it for the fear of losing family members
Stepdaughter wants B-Day
by ajsmama inso yesterday my two soon to be stepkids boy12,girl 9, came over for a visit with their dad.
their mom is a dub, her dad is an elder, my man is d'fd.
anyway, i was just sitting in my room feeding the baby when girl comes in and asks if im gonna start throwing her birthday parties.
My children wnet for years without spilling so much as a word to my now Exwifes mother about having celbrated birthdays . It was unfortunate we had to tell them to make this little omision but they did it willingly to sve theyre mother the agony of being disfellowshipped .I think kids are more inteligrnt and cunning than they are given credit for . It all comes down to this Kids want gifts ... they want to fit in . It was extremely hard for me growing up to try to explain why I didnt participate in all the fun stuff . Let them be kids
Placed 6 magazines this morning
by stillajwexelder injust thought i would let you all know, that as part of my ongoing theocratic warfare strategy i placed 6 magazines this morning.
i will be recording about 20 on my time slip though
Yeah we used to go to 7 11 s and place them I think everyone counted those The store clerks ussually looked pretty irrtated I am pretty sure teh mags ende up in the trash . I used to pretend to ring door baells too
My second act of personal expression.......
by freedomlover inhowdy you guys - .
i had a super great vacation this weekend in sunny ca.
to celebrate such a huge change in my life this past year with leaving the org.
I have been Df for about ten years now wow never really thought about that before . One of my first acts Of defiance was to get peirced . it became an addiction I ended up with 11 peircings at one time I have since taken them all out( They garnered a lot of looks from my kids teachers people wold cross the street when they saw mme coming ) I do understand the need for the spreading of your wings congrats I just wish I could afford to get a quality tat that is the only thing that has prevented me
Serious Question: Spanking
by i am a good soul inive never been punished like that i my home.
my family always talked to me and we would decide a non-physical punishment.
i was wandering, is still common for jw family to spank their children and if so, does the spanking continue into their late teens, even adults.
I can personally relate . Living in a seiously abusive enviroment as a child my sister and I approached the congregation Elders and were turned away because my father had the right . They essentially said he could continue to leave me in a condition in which I coulndt dress for Gym because I was so bruised . Tha difficult thing hhas been learning a new behavior with my own children