a private person...
You would know me...
In a past life I was one of those people that used to put humans together after anger and revenge pulled them apart....after listening to angry and frustrated soldiers (amazings).....watch them go out go out and kill a few people.
You spoke of Amazing explaining himself fully..after he calmed down....
After these guys calmed down...it was too late.
I think there is a common assumption here that everyone is in control of themselves...Im afraid that isnt true...in the heat of the anger, with a weapon in hand...someone is dead...
rationalising afterwards...well..too late.
Mr Amazing has spent a lot of time justifying his stance, his words, and his opposition to my fantasies. I wish that he wouldnt confuse me, confuse me with someone who really cares a jot. Bottom line here, someone like me, will go out and pick up the pieces of another dead or hurt human...who got caught in the jingoistic crossfire of wearing his heart on his sleeve people.
Well Mr Amazing...are you now completely happy that you have defended your position with a whole topic devoted to me? I should be flattered, but really all I see is the blusterer that you are.
You now state there is a difference in how you would act as a member of government to your stated message on the board.
You also stated that you were anointed as one of the "remnant" whilst a practising Jehovahs Witness. Was that another acting and speaking different phase you go through? Was being a Jehovahs Witness not enogh for you? Was it another wearing emotion on your sleeve?
Just where do you have consistency Amazing..?
People like you make me really angry for those that are taken in by your apparent position of authority. Farkel has already called you on it...I just see the inconsistency of you as a person travel through your writings.
Ther was a whole paragraph missing in my post, hence the conjunction of military and kingdom hall reference....it happens...and I cant remember the context, so I will chalk that victory to you.
I believe at this juncture, the best thing to do is that I cease communications with you as a contributor on this thread. We have differing viewpoints and fundamentally are poles apart on ethics and accountability...
I leave the last word to you...you will take it anyway.