JoinedTopics Started by mathead
DATA on the replacements and the remnant
by mathead in.
does any one know when the watchtower first talked about the "replacements".
i need a time line here.. also what is the peak number of remnant and in what year was this peak?.
The watchtower project
by mathead inhow hard would it be to store every watchtower since day one , in a database?.
how many giga bytes would it take?
would the wts shut down any site that hosted all the watchtowers( over 100 years worth.
i want to make jehoover happy
by mathead inshould i join the dubs again and become a 60 hours per month publisher and then work my way up to a 90 hour per month pioneer and then a ministerial servent and then a watchtower study conductor and then a literature servant and then an elder and then a travelling overserr and then a district oveerseer and then a member of the governing body?.
will this make jehoover happy?
or confused?
144,000 early view
by golden age in.
i was researching the topic of 144,000, does anyone have any scans from the 1935 convension when rutherford made the big change about the great crowd.
or any scans from watctower articles around that time that discuss this issue and what the new rules were to be.. also, does anyone know who rutherford said would live on paradise earth before 1935, because in the millions now living book written in 1925 he had talked about abraham and others living in beth sarim, additionally he did say in the millions book at that time that many people would be able to live on earth forever, who was he referring to if all were supposed to go to heaven..
Do You Belong To A Cult?
by DannyHaszard indo you belong to a cult?
american chronicle - beverly hills,ca,usa .
... cults today understand the needs of their recruits and do everything possible to fill the gap that has been previously void (the bait).
Meeting with 2 Dubs this Saturday...Please help with suggestions ;)
by FreedomFrog inwell, i didn't think i'd be back on jwd for awhile.
but new things are happening in my life.
my parents are starting to panic because of me standing for what i feel is right.
GB and their 'Hot Chicks'!
by Gill inhow many members of the governing body are married to women a lot younger than themselves, and how many are married to 'hot chicks'?
What will JW's be like when...
by Synergy inthe last 8000 of the 144000 are dead?
who will be their leaders?
the nethinim class?
Question about the 1260 and 1335 days
by mathead ini was just at and was looking at the daniel/revelation phrophecies.
the book of daniel mentions 1260 and 1335 days.
the wts interprets these dates as follows:.