When I was young, a relative told me that when I see things go wrong, and not get corrected in a humble manner within the organization, and when those in leadership start becoming slave masters wanting people to notice their works, then I should look to Jehovah and Jesus.
When I dropped my rose colored glasses, I began to see that my relative's words were wise and made more sense then than they did back when first stated.
I was born in the Org., so it took longer for me to see things as they really were. I am still active. I don't have faith in the leadership as I did when I was a kid many years ago.
Because they hated knowledge, and they did not choose to fear Jehovah. They refused my advice; they disrespected all my reproof. So they will bear the consequences of their way, and they will be glutted with their own counsel. (Proverbs 1:29-31)