Crash? It won't, however judging by the demographics of the last convention I went to a slow death through lack of numbers is very likely. I say loads of jw's 40 +, loads of JW's 20 - but not nearly so many jw's in the 25 - 40 bracket. As the older jw's die and younger ones view the ridiculous large amount of information online I think a fade out is inevitable, with less witnesses there is less preaching, and less preaching = less converts. I would be willing to wager that the majority of new jw's (in western world at least) are a result of pregnancy as opposed to conversion. It will end up becoming a religion restricted to africa and latin america in time i reckon
JoinedPosts by Mariusuk.
When is it going to crash?
by Alex Delta ini see allot of people here that is in the know i mean really in the know and am very great full for being in these discussion with you all.
since this is such a large subject to us all and all have different strong points in it, im sure we can come up with some form of hypothesis when this organization is going to implode on its self or when its about to but before it does it bails last minute by changing some doctrine around so it doesnt completely fall but keep enough for them to survive again for it to rebuild, as theyve done so many times in the past.
history for some reason tends to always repeat it self, i truly believe its about that time.
What is the motives of the GB?
by sweet pea inok guys and dolls, want your input here.
a friend of mine has a question...... .
"the brothers in bethel/headquarters seem very sincere and loving - what possible motive would they have in trying to deceive people, what do they get out of it?
I personally struggle to believe that the GB actually really believe the crap they propogate but here is the catch.....they cannot admit to each other that they do not believe it for fear of losing their position which they have "worked" a long time to attain, plus to admit it means losing family, friends etc etc. They are essentially victims of their own trap. So you end up with a bunch of old men making up or revising old beliefs that they do not believe and this passes down the food chain all the way to grassroots where ironically exactly the same problems exist.
Another thing to consider is money and trust me someone somewhere is creaming it up, skimming off the top. They have money coming in from all over the place, you do not have the capability to ru what is effectively a multinational corporation without serious money. What is the purpose of a huge successful company? To make even more money of course!
Kids Still Get Whacked @ Armageddon. Current Light. (With Pix!)
by Open mind inif you've clicked around on other sites, you can find the troubling picture i grew up with from the old orange paradise lost book.
a big old armageddon earthquake that is swallowing up people, churches, a bicycle, a dog!
) and of course, a little girl in a dress that is indelibly planted in my memory chips.
The artists really have an issue will Reagan, De Vito and Hannibal from the A Team
That is just twisted, could not find a likeness with the priest type but you just know he is modelled on someone famous.
Ever take a good look at the pictures from the old "My Book of Bible Stories" for the dub kids? My ex's aunt is a JW, I told my ex in no uncertain terms that she was not to allow my daughter to go to any meetings or the like when her aunt visited. After the Aunt left I noticedwhile tidying my daughters bedroom a copy of it surreptitiously left in her bookshelf. My ex said "it's just a book like we used to have in sunday school, what's the problem" (she is from a catholic background). Then I showed her the pictures of murder, stonings, prostitutes eaten by weird multiheaded beasts etc. It quickly went in the bin
I love LOST but don't have sky :-( going to have to wait till i can get them all on dvd
Science fiction book suggestions...
by zeroday ini love science fiction books and have run into a dry spell.
i have read alot of david weber but he has been quite slow with new books lately...anyone have any good suggestions for a good read...i need 5 star authors with "blow your socks off" books...any suggestions...
Greg Bear is good as is Arthur C Clark, Douglas Adams, Sergey Lukyanenko (he did the Watch series which Nightwatch was based on although that is more fantasy than sci fi but a great read)
Carl Sagan is another good read
"If 1000 years is as one day" (another "ug" fwd email)
by inkling inif 1000 years is as one day someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation (2 peter 3:8).. .
this is interesting: since a thousand years are in the eyes of jehovah as one day, we can look at history from jehovah's point of view like this:.
adam was created six days ago and jehovah made immediate plans to restore what he had lost for his offspring.. .
If i was a believing idiot erm I mean JW this would actually depress me further, suppose God gets stuck on the phone or has to resolve a tiff between Gabriel and Michael that half an hour equates to a lot of time. The promised paradise would pass me by, I'd be dead! Damn
Memorial 2008 Protest - will you join me?
by besty inthere's been a few threads about how to campaign against the wts - various suggestions including appointing a charismatic leader, (do they get appointed?
i thought they just kind of appeared, self-appointed), printing a brochure(ok we're in the 21st century lets make it a blog, cheaper and easier to distribute), calling the bethel and boycotting a meeting.
which all got me to thinking, what can i do, and what if everybody else (or a lot) could do the same?
What would be funny would be to stand up when the glass was passed to you, face the congregation, down the glass and make a toast to Satan. Yes I know very childish but it would be worth it to see the faces
Weirdest music you like
by JK666 ini always liked captain beefheart and his magic band.
here are a few youtube examples:.
I like The carpenters .........ok I have said it (something about her voice just does it for me
Oh and John Williams music (the composer of StarWars, Jaws etc)
Wow, the year is 2008, and still no Armageddon!
by Nosferatu inevery time we enter a new year, i think about how i wasn't supposed to make it this long.
i really believed we wouldn't live past the year 2000, and armageddon would change everything.
it almost strikes me as living on borrowed time, but then i remember that armageddon is a story, not a reality.
Those arrogant bastards in NY need to be held accountable, just like the Nazis.
I know where you are coming from but there is a slight difference between the wtbts and the nazi's well namely a few million deaths. People will only ever be free from them when they learn to let it go. They have had so many years of peoples lives I find it sad that in some cases years after they left the JW's still hold a huge mental grip on people
Aren't we all responsible for the success of the Watchtower Society?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inraymond franz was a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses from 1971 until may 22, 1980, and served at the organization's world headquarters for fifteen years, from 1965 until 1980. franz wrote and edited two detailed books which relate his personal experiences with the watch tower bible and tract society and fellow members of the jehovah's witness organization.. .
after reading ray franz's books,i held him and his fellow members responsible for all the false teachings.
i also wasn't forgiving any of them even if they found out that it wasn't the ''truth'' and left the i changed my mind.
No, this is just getting silly lol