As human beings we all need to feel secure, and in a safe place.
I sincerely hope that you are able to find that in your husband, career, and new home. There is so much more to life than many of allow ourselves to enjoy, and guilt brings many back to the WTS.
I encourage you to read much more of the stories here, and really investigate the teachings of the Watchtower. If you knew in your heart that this was not the true religion, would you still return to it?
Please, check out the facts.
Some postings you will not relate to. Ignore them. Find the ones that you can read, and allow yourself to check out what is said.
Even the WTS tells newcombers to check out their own religion vigorously, until you become a witness, and then you are not allowed to look into it. That right there should tell you something is wrong.
For the sake of the rest of your life, please, check it out.
Then do what is best for you and your family.