Well then FELICITACIONES!!! that means Congratulations in Spanish.
Posts by LEC
I'm Gonna Be A Grandfather!!!!!
by minimus inmy daughter and her husband told me and her mom last night that she is due december 24th!
it will be our first grandchild.
she'll be 28 and is sooooooo excited!
Best ways to disrupt meetings, assemblies, etc...
by What-A-Coincidence inshine a laser pen on the outline given by the speaker at an assembly.. take notes in finger paint.. at sensitive moments, blow your nose raucously.
apologize for your sinus condition.. wear a disposable paper face mask.
tell the brothers: hey, you don't want to catch what i've got!.
ARE U GUYS SERIOUS? Why go to the damn meeting to begin with?
May be if I go where no one knows me...I can try this. I recently went to the memorial just b/c my mother was killing over not going after 11 yrs. I just don't think I can't embarrased her like that unless I am alone.
Those things are soooooooooo funny, I remember that women's bathroom were always pack and that's why the decided to put paper in the mirrors, so you pee and get the fuck out, but I guess they had another thing in mind. by the way my mom is beging to go the special talk on 4/30/06 I thought I wanted to go but you guys have made me realized how wrong is to try to make other people happy but yourself, my sister in Indianapolis keeps telling I can be celibate???? what the hell?
She obvioulsy doesn't know how I crave the touch of another woman and the need to have a family and PLEASE don't tell me you are against gay raising children.
Is revenge sweet?
by lovelylil ina friend of mine recently told me that she had committed this "act of revenge" on an elders wife once.
i know the elders wife too and she is such a snoody-nose in the air, my family is better than yours person.
both her boys grew up witnesses and are in the org.
I would say revenge is bitter sweet, like the song from cruel intentions
I got my revenge by sending the txt msgs & emails my ex girl was sending me w/ sweet nothings to her new girlfriend...LOL very sweet that b%^ch broke my heart
Wishful Thinking
by ballistic inan old woman goes into a sex shop and asks the assistant if she can have a look at an assortment of vibrators.
despite a wide range of colours, shapes and sizes, none of them appeal to the old lady.
she looks up and says to the assistant, "can i have a look at the tartan one up there on the shelf?
What kind of funeral will you have?
by MsMcDucket ini know that this is a morbid topic, but i often wonder what kind of funeral that i should have.
i mean, i'm not associated with any religion.
i don't want a preacher there speaking about the afterlife or trying to recruit followers.
I want a service w/ pictures & music, my son will be Bad Day by Daniel Potwer...LOL then they can cremate my ass
Gay & Lesbian JW where are you?
by LEC ini came out of the closet when i was 18 yrs to my parents & the elders expelled me out ever since that my life has changed completely!!!
i was born under a jw household and i finally celebrated my first birthday when i was 21 yrs and it felt weird.
i was just wondering how to cope w/ this feelings, sometimes i want to go back but i can't ignore my feelings.
I came out of the closet when I was 18 yrs to my parents & the elders expelled me out ever since that my life has changed completely!!! I was born under a JW household and I finally celebrated my first birthday when I was 21 yrs and it felt weird. I was just wondering how to cope w/ this feelings, sometimes I want to go back but I can't ignore my feelings. I tried in the past and what ended up happening is that I fall in love w my bible study teacher LOL... anyone out there w/ the same situation?
by unique1 inok, so i turn 29 today.
i get a call from my mom.
i assume it is her non happy birthday call.
Well Happy Birthday!!!!
I know the 1914 thing but I don't the 607, do you mind sharing?
I am so happy that I found this website w/ people w/ the same trauma and drama that occurs w/ JW