well I dated a man who was 5'6" or so (might have been shorter) and let's just say he wasn't lacking where it counts
I know right...they fool you sometimes...
hehe prince just performed bob dylan's classic "all along the watchtower" at the super bowl halftime show.
you think he was counting his time.
if he performs next year how many rv's would that be?
well I dated a man who was 5'6" or so (might have been shorter) and let's just say he wasn't lacking where it counts
I know right...they fool you sometimes...
hehe prince just performed bob dylan's classic "all along the watchtower" at the super bowl halftime show.
you think he was counting his time.
if he performs next year how many rv's would that be?
I agree that his guitar resembled a phalic symbol. Also, when he has under that undulating tent, the shadow of prince and the guitar looked like the classic representation of the devil (pitchfork and tail).
I thought the same thing. Or a funny looking arrowed phallic symbol? thingy?
hehe prince just performed bob dylan's classic "all along the watchtower" at the super bowl halftime show.
you think he was counting his time.
if he performs next year how many rv's would that be?
so because he has a big phallic symbol as a guitar does that mean he has a big...uh...oh nevermind
funny...he's so little anyway...what 5'4"...but you never know. He's got some pretty hair though.
hehe prince just performed bob dylan's classic "all along the watchtower" at the super bowl halftime show.
you think he was counting his time.
if he performs next year how many rv's would that be?
I thought that "Along the Watchtower" was Jimmi Hendrix? :)
why do they succeed in getting people baptized?
what do you think??
They target the poor and innocent. The one's that have little or no educational background. Oh, and the depressed...that's perfect prey.
or in service, or just by jws period... me, i was notorious for doodling in my literature.
when i was about 12, i got caught drawing the led zeppelin logo in my bible by the meanest elder in the hall.
my mother wouldn't let me out of the house for about 2 months!
Back in the day when Jheri curls were popular. My sister, another sister in the congregation and myself kept passing notes back and forth about the jheri curl...well unknowingly to us a brother was peeking over our shoulders reading the note. After the meeting he took my sister, the other sister and me to our parents and told them that we spent the whole meeting talking about a guy named Jerri. He was so embarrased when we explained it to him. It was so funny. I remember his stupid ass expression to this day.
a few years back, i was told a story by a 'mature sister' about a man who was df'ed after his death, just before his burial.
apparently, they found voodoo related necklaces etc.
under his clothing.
I remember hearing of a story that one of the young sisters got a manequinn doll from her mother who had gotten it from a yard sale. That every time she would move the dolls eyes would follow her. They also said that when they tried to burn it it wouldn't. The moral behind this story is that you should always pray over yard sale items before or after buying them.
after a lenthy illness, 10 years in total, my mother, margaret stecko, passed away peacefully today surrounded by family.
she was 84, and leaves behind 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren.
she was a jw but never shunned me.
has anyone ever had to confess their sins to the elders...left out some of the details or "other gross" sins...but wondered if you were truly forgiven of your sins?
or was reproved and given back your priviledges but knew that you didn't tell everything.
how did you feel afterward?
Has anyone ever had to confess their sins to the elders...left out some of the details or "other gross" sins...but wondered if you were truly forgiven of your sins? Or was reproved and given back your priviledges but knew that you didn't tell everything. How did you feel afterward? Always wondered.
i guess the local kh is doing a special field service outing today, which my wife will be a part of...on christmas morning.
i think this is intrusive and disrespectful.. did any of you do fs on christmas?.
is this a common thing among jws?
Hated it!!! So disrespectful, and you were always offering some Christmas article. As if people are going to change their minds on Christmas day when all of their family and friends are visiting. Thanksgiving was bad too. I saw JW's yesterday across the street. It appeared that they were doing a return visit, no one was home (at least they thought they weren't). They arrogantly walked back to their car and left. It was interesting to see but very disturbing to think that that was what I used to do.