Were there any "wordly" songs you weren't allowed to sing as a child?
Two that come to mind:
Land Down Under by Men at Work -- my mom thought that they were talking about "hell"
Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr.
Does anyone else have any?
were there any "wordly" songs you weren't allowed to sing as a child?.
two that come to mind:.
land down under by men at work -- my mom thought that they were talking about "hell" .
Were there any "wordly" songs you weren't allowed to sing as a child?
Two that come to mind:
Land Down Under by Men at Work -- my mom thought that they were talking about "hell"
Secret Lovers by Atlantic Starr.
Does anyone else have any?
they were talking about how when you are in a cult, you are not allowed to think outside their 'box'.
i didn't say anything and she says "that sounds just like the jw's doesn't it?".
i just smiled and said yes...i was thinking that very thought but wasn't going to say anything.
I think it was the Biography channel...I caught the tail end of it. I'm sure it'll be on again soon. Just looked at their channel line up and it doesn't show it...maybe it was Nat'l Geographic or Discover. I know that I watch those channels a lot and it was on the other night. Yes the JW's are like a cult.
having already started a thread about jw actions that irritated us the issue has to be completed by discussing what we did or can do to irritate them.
i would say wearing a cross would vex or even frighten them since they think it's a satanic symbol.
or drawing a cross on a kh with chalk and writing above it : jesus christ lord of the church.
I think that having an upbeat upbuilding conversation with them irritates them, because they think that just because you're not attending hte meeting you're suppose to be all depressed and down in the dumps. It's funny to hear their response when asked "How are you?" And you say with a genuine happy smile that you're great. lol
( or those portrayed as gay ).
they have personality, depth of character, and many are just outright funny.
though i am not gay, i am gay friendly.
Jack (can't remember his real name) from Will & Grace. He's a nutcase!!
we all know that skilled songwriters the brothers are not, so what are your most hated kingdom songs?
the ones that made you cringe when you saw them listed on the km or watchtower?
They all sounded BLAHHHH and boring.
"We're Jehovah's Witnesses"
And at the assemblies everyone would get loud and proud. Stupid idiots!
i think for me, it was the dysfunctional family.
things from my childhood are finally getting to me.
i've tried for so long to just push them to the back of my mind.
My stepfather was mean, ignorant, and used the religion for his own selfish reasons. He was excused of child abuse sexually and mentally through that religion.
It takes a lot to get used to a different way of thinking but I'm getting there.
For once, I'm really loving life and people.
my dub mother sent me a package today, inside was a nwt bible, a picture of me around age 5 at an assembly - i looked miserable and my dad was holding a battery operated fan in front of me, and a letter, here is the letter.
i ask that you remember that i was 18 when i left and i'm now 42, that there is a total of 8 children in my family and there are only 2 that are still jw's, oh and that my mother is a complete nutcase!
dear nj:.
Let her know that if that is "Christian Love" you want no part of it. My mother was not that harsh when I was df'd but said SOME of those things, she got over it. Those type of comments just push you further away. They don't get it. My mom is now out too and it's so much better. Keep your head up.
that im having another baby!!!!!.
just done the test and the line came up straight away....... we were planning on falling pregnant in about three months and happend to fall pregnant straight away...im still in shock but had to share it with you all my family.
luv ya.
I'm recooperating from a Saturday nite of drinking....may clean, may watch tv, usually my lazy day! But going down on on a Sunday sounds like a lot of fun.
so i guess it's convention time again back in wisconsin or illinois or wherever the hell they drive nowadays.
someone made me unfortunately have to remember this.
so i got to thinking about the conventions and the showing off that took place there:.
Sunday was the day when we would wear all our new stuff and strut around.
You are so right. That was the big day even for regular meetings. And if there was a special talk - "woah!!!" That was it! You had to be dressed for that talk.