I just want to clarify that I have no problem with debating. I meant to say that if we reach the point that we are personally attacking anothers beliefs and think that we are right and must get them to come to our way of thinking then are we free from the society's form of thinking.
I agree with you looking glass that sometimes there is too much black and white. Not enough gray.
I understand that part of being free from the society includes being free to voice our individual opinions, however if we feel the need to shove them on others, we are basically where we were as witness, even if those beliefs have changed.
I too believe that by debating it can open us to thoughts we never had before and conclusions we may not have come to on our own. Really my problem was not with debating but with a certain thread that was a personal attack on some peoples beliefs. It reminded me of exactly what the WTS does by attacking everyone who believes differently than them. Really our freedom means that we have the right to have our own beliefs and freely express them, but if we do it by belittling others we are exactly the same as the WTS. So basically what I meant was if we feel the need to CHANGE others beliefs, then are we free from their mentality that ALL must be united in their beliefs?