OMG - agree with another commenter here...I bet that guy counted at least 3 hrs of time for his little timesheet to the KH. Good for him, JWs beliefs are from the old testament for the rank and file, they are Jews using the name Jehovah, with the annointed in the New Testament using "father" and they are now the new group to be worshipped by the rank and file. The Governing Body has replaced Jesus. The book of revelation is filled with fantasy and visions, yet 144,000 is a real number. Only a selected group go to heaven while the annointed group increases every year at each memorial. There religion is floundering, after 100 yrs of faked end dates, it is time their own end date becomes a reality.
JoinedPosts by Robert222
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
I'm thinking about going back
by Corboy101 ini have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
I really get uncomfortable when Witnesses start talking about choice because the only born-ins who exercise choice (ande a very brave choice) are those that get out. The ones who get baptized are just doing what they are programmed to do. And once they get baptized all choice ceases. It is like North Korea calling itself Democratic - often the language authoritarian regimes use is an indicator that they are the reverse - the use of 'The Truth' by the WTBS is a great example of this but 'Choice' is not too far behind.
Well written! I totally agree. I was born in, and my choice was leaving. I regret not having the courage to do it a LOT younger, but my personality, initiative, everything, was destroyed...but once I finally made the choice to leave, I never looked back and will never step back into a KH.
The Bizarre Free Will
by John_Mann intwo years before i left jw world i came to a strange conclusion about the jw cosmology and the free will doctrine.. basically i came to conclusion that satan is right about the universal sovereign issue.
and i came with that just only using jws premises, no outside apostasy.
i just told to my sister what she thought about it, and she said to me: dont tell anyone about this!.
Don't forget, according to JWs, Satan tempted Eve to eat the apple or fruit, telling her she will NOT die if she ate. Well, she died, as the rest of humanity does. However, the only other time I heard "millions now living will never die" was from the JWs. I was told I would never grow old, never die, never graduate high school, but would be in the New Sytem, along with millions of others. Well, people are dying, and continue to die....I have finished high school many yrs ago, JWs equal Satan. No other religion that I know of tells you from the platform, in numerous talks, that you will never die...I think around the 1990's they had to abandon that teaching.
by grumblecakes inyup got a voice mail bright and early this morning "grumblecakes, we would like to schedule a shepherding call".. how do i get outta this?.
You can say no, but be aware of the consequences. It is a JW requirement. You will be labelled as rebellious, you are hiding something, and will be marked in the congregation. It's a big step to say no, unless a person is ready to leave the JWs, they had better comply. That was my last straw, that final shepherding call from new elders from Bethel placed in our congregation. I finally had had it, stalled them, and never went back, and I never will step back into a KH. I finally had the guts to walk away from the abuse, control, as I was born into the cult.
This is well worth remembering
by The Quiet One in
The JWs will do anything to hang on to their religious status with the IRS. They will sleep with the devil if that's what it takes. I thought their using the library at the UN, or using any other worldly institution is OK because they are annointed, and we aren't. It isn't for the rank and file to understand or to question the GB or annointed or anything. You will be disfellowshipped for apostacy. The Society can do whatever they want. The end. It's all a joke. They are a corporation, a business.
7/15 WT- Insane, Far Fetched, Narcissistic "New Light " about the FDS
by flipper ini know this article has been discussed, re-hashed upside down in past threads.
but there were at least 2 points i discovered in here that i felt were pertinent and important to bring out concerning the total control and narcissistic tendencies that these wt leaders possess on the governing body, i.e.
alleged " faithful slave " .
Well, they call it "The Truth", it's just like any other religion. No different, except the JWs are a cult. I still think it's a personal decision if you want to walk away, or stay, or pick another religion. It all means nothing to me.
by grumblecakes inyup got a voice mail bright and early this morning "grumblecakes, we would like to schedule a shepherding call".. how do i get outta this?.
Sorry, you can't avoid it. I made an appt to meet w/elders before the meeting in the library. I didn't want a bunch of strange men snooping around my home. I didn't know these guys, and knew Shepherding calls were a requirement. They were really angry that they didn't get inside my house, but agree dto meet at the KH before the mtg. I got asked a lot of obnoxious personal questions. Then, I moved and was in another area. I really was leaving for a trip back East, and told the elders on the phone that I was going back East for a lengthy time, and I never went back to the KH. That was when I just stopped going. I no longer answered my phone or knocks at the door...I eventually moved out the area anyway.
7/15 WT- Insane, Far Fetched, Narcissistic "New Light " about the FDS
by flipper ini know this article has been discussed, re-hashed upside down in past threads.
but there were at least 2 points i discovered in here that i felt were pertinent and important to bring out concerning the total control and narcissistic tendencies that these wt leaders possess on the governing body, i.e.
alleged " faithful slave " .
I can answer a few of the questions or comments brought up. I was a born-in JW, with many family members still in. Women as annointed are necessary because they can judge the women of the earth. Only a woman knows what it's like to be a woman, a man can empathize, but can't judge another woman or teach another woman. Annointed women in the congregation help and teach other women and children, just not from the platform, and they normally all out in service during the day with the other women and children.
As far as the GB knowing they are scammers, that they are not sincere, like in the days when the society was being formed, is basically true, however, remember they are sitting on millions of dollars, it can be wiped out due to Governments, tax laws, whatever, so they are afraid of losing their membership. If they are no longer considered a church, or a religion, what would happen to all their real estate, their money, their penthouse apts in NY and all their travel plans to exotic foreign locations?
This message board helped me tremendously to walk away from the Truth, and I haven't regretted it.
How the new light on the domestics may backfire on the Watchtower Society
by yadda yadda 2 inthe new light is a bit of give and take by the gb.
they have taken upon themselves the title of the faithful and discreet slave, in exchange for pushing the 'appointment over all of his [christ's] belongings' out into the future, and also in exchange for allowing the earthly class to be counted as 'domestics'.
the gb can now totally lord it as kings over the flock in exchange for having "dignified" them by including them as domestics.
I always think their new light is just recycled from the 1950's, when a lot weren't born yet or would have no knowledge of old teachings. I remember from my mother that it was believed that as a surprise, at a random memorial, ALL baptized JWs in attendance would be told to partake of the emblems, that they had been sealed for everlasting life. This would keep members coming to the memorials hoping to be inducted. This was just an old rumor I remember hearing as a kid....I just think a lot are sitting and hoping, waiting for something to happen....when all that is happening is they are separated from family, friends, and their money.
One not so nice rumor from the 1980's was that ALL would be told to partake because it would be a Jim Jones type thing, and the GB and honchos in Brooklyn could take the money and run to another country. I heard a bunch of bizarre rumors as a kid...just a pathetic group of bored people hanging onto a nothing religion, nothing to work for, just bothering people each Saturday handing out magazines.
Ultimately it is the child who should stop the abuse according to the GB!
by life is to short inon page 171 of the "learn from the great teacher" book published in 2003 it shows a picture of a very cute little girl holding a ragged ann doll.
she is sitting on a chair in her bedroom with her hand out toward a man that is coming toward her.. the paragraphs say "so just as jesus needed protection, you also need to be protected from grown-ups-and even from other children-who may try to have sex with you.
usually, these people will pretend to be your friends.
The group of men back East publishing this junk thinks it is the victims responsbility - so a little girl says "NO", then what? The attacker does not retreat, then what? It is like I was taught, you blame the victim, it is somehow YOUR fault, like a woman who is raped that does not cry out, she is guilty of fornication...that book is creepy, disturbing, and might be written by (alleged) pedophiles or to aid and abet alledged pedos in the KH.