The Society has always had the outright nerve to tell "us" to suffer and die due to their own policies, yet they stay locked behind brick walls safe in the US sitting on millions of dollars.
Plus the outright nerve to tell us not to listen to opposers that seek to stop our preaching (?) Keep on the treadmill of handing out tons of paper each week to the same group of homes, provide free labor to build KHs, all the while the same group of men living a comfortable lifestyle at bethel decide how to spend the millions of dollars piling up.
I am encouraged by this article because I am hoping it means they are starting to panic at Brooklyn. All their bad reports worldwide are starting to pile up around them - these are current reports of settled court cases to protect their million, their UN status, so forth.
Are the bricks starting to crumble at Society headquarters? I don't think any religion would print this WA article if things weren't starting to happen to threaten their security.