I agree with Anonymously. You are all following Santa, if you leave the Organization!
JoinedPosts by Deleted
MO and the NEW LIGHT
by Dogpatch inyou get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology.
when a member leaves a close-knit religious order, like the truth, his former friends have no choice than to shun him.
if he was in the right he wouldn't have left.
a tale of Reverse Psychology ..... intended as humo(u)r
by Deleted in.
you get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology
I thought I had it worked out how to cut and paste from a .doc file. Guess not. Sorry to bother you.
a tale of Reverse Psychology ..... intended as humo(u)r
by Deleted in.
you get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly a tale of Reverse Psychology
BIG NEWS Reply: Cliff's Notes Version
by Oroborus21 infor those of you who don't want to read my post in the anderson thread here is the abbreviated form:.
legal misrepresentation is not the same as the common dictionary definition.
legal misrepresentation requires that the bad actor knowingly and deliberately lied with recklessness.
Ourobourus, I ain't a lawyer, but from my business law days there was a lot said on the Duty of Care (Donohue v Stevens, and the decomposing snail as I recall, great name for a band!). Anyway, doesn't the WTS have a duty of care in this regard that would surpass the common sense defence of caveat emptor? As the Society is clearly in a position of control over its member-associates how can it have a legal leg to stand on IT SHOULD HAVE KNOWN what it was doing. If a vendor of a soda-pop was nailed for selling an opaque-bottle of pop with a decomposing snail in it to some unsuspecting customer surely the WTS should be nailed for misrepresenting the truth about blood transfusions. A defence of "we believed what we wrote and we aren't liable" is moral rubbish at best. Nail the bastards! Glen
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly
by Deleted in.
you get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology
Well that's worse, only the first few lines. It was supposed to be satyrical. Oh well. Email me if you want a copy.
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly
by Deleted in.
you get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology
it didn't post. I'll try again. If not oh well. Have a happy holiday season.
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly a tale of Reverse Psychology
When a member leaves a close-knit religious order, like The Truth, his former friends have no choice than to shun him. If he was in the right he wouldn’t have left. He knew what he was getting into and there was a code of conduct he didn’t keep. It was his fault.
And now that he’s left, and has no friends, a crappy job and no future he is disgruntled and hangs out with whiners like himself. Often there’s internet sites and chat rooms. Or even meetings in pubs to complain together on Oh, how rotten brother so-and-so was, and even blaming the Society. Like it’s their fault his daughter smoked cigarettes and cried at the judicial committee meeting! Those brothers at
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly
by Deleted in.
you get oodles of help citing your scriptures properly a tale of reverse psychology
You Get OodLes Of Help Citing Your Scriptures Properly a tale of Reverse Psychology
If this doesn't work this time please DF me ... my 1/2 day at an IBSA conv.
by Glenmore ini am neutral on the bible students as i liked russell?s stuff; i even scoffed at the anti-russell books when i was becoming borg in 1981. so this isn?t at all criticism.
it was a bit refreshing.
but this is just one study period, lunch, two discourses and a few breaks, so i just saw and felt what half-a-day in rural portland oregon would bring on a sunny sunday afternoon, august 29.
Min, I'm sorry that I gave that impression (lost my password for Glenmore, sorry about that too). It's a bit awkward explaining everything I do as it relates to Rutherford, I'm writing a black comedy about the Ancient Worthies returning in 2005 instead of 1935, and they are really quite obnoxious, as much as their conjourer was back in the 30's. It's a be careful what you wish for sort of thing, names are changed but the principle's the same. To make the feelings work I am interested in the difference between his followers (notably Knorr and Franz) and Russell's. And I can like Russell's stuff without believing it can't I? I like lots of things I don't believe. A Belief isn't important to me. My grief with the WTS stems organizationally, not the fundamental doctrines. I like several things about the Bible Students and I muse what might happen if the JDubya's were more like their distant cousins. That, this, my guitar, my family, my dogs and work are my hobbies. I do need to exercise tho'. Glen
Blondie, can you sleuth this one for me please?
by Glenmore inblondie, i was reading a mailer i got from the forth worth bible students.
the golden rule was quoted and the mailer said this was a law of justice not of love.
the principle being that all people are owed to be treated well.
Hey Blondie, I found the November 1 1947 wt on pages 324-331 (study article with lots of references to "field service") being referred back to the "rule of love" and quoting Matt 7:12. For example:
38 "It is God?s teaching that we love one another, and that we love our neighbor, and God is the great "King of Eternity". This is a royal law that he gives us for our guidance in this day of selfishness that has run amuck. We shall not go wrong if we follow it and apply it practically and with sincerity and genuine affection. "If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neigbbour as thyself, ye do well." (Jas. 2: 8) Growing out this royal law are Jesus? words: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." (Matt. 7: 12) This leaves no room for partiality, especially partiality toward our own selves. No partiality should be shown toward a Kingdom publisher or minister who reports many hours afield in service as against another who reports less but who is just as eager and earnest to serve the most High God. As servants or slaves of one another in imitation of Jesus Christ, we will encourage all the brethren into that public confession with the mouth that wins divine approval and leads to their salvation. We will not be partial toward one nationality or race as against another, but will discern them all to be our neighbors if they are kindly disposed to the Lord and anxious for salvation that emanates from Him through Jesus Christ. We will love our neighbors of whatsoever nation, kindred, race and tongue, and we will therefore be moved to share with them the message of salvation which the neighborly love by others has passed on to us ourselves.
So my laic interpretation is that by this time (1947) the Rule of Justice (Golden Rule) became the Rule of Love - and a support scripture to peddle magazines.
Deleted's Last Top Five Poll: I need a new name, please vote, thank you.
by Deleted inhey y'all:.
i'm ridding myself of deleted as a monicker.
it served me well 5 years ago.
Thanks everybody!!! I like Erik Estacada. Reinstated and Undeleted are still slave names. Judge Evil's a bit scary - I'm a wuss. So I'll go with Glenmore! I'm rich (in freedom, not money)and I guess (thank you, Kate) my voice is silky. And I'll ask my wife if I go down easy (maybe I'll get lucky!). So the next time y'all hear from me I'll be Glenmore (aka the one-eyed fat Englishman from Estacada). Peace, Love and Understanding from Glen, who once (but no longer is) Deleted.