I have two children, one daughter 18 months and a son 7 years old. Since the day my son was born I started fearing death. I love my life and do not want to ever die, that is carry over from brainwashing. So with that in mind I am looking for input on the following:
Note: I know that both of the points below are very "
The Day After" (an 80's film about nuclear war), I am not afraid to go in a flash with my family I only fear exit will not be so clean. Further, if there is any group of people who understand my fears, I would expect this to be the place.
1. I hate the thought of watching my children die or suffer and die. I expect there will be some sort of end of things within the next decade, just based on global warming and government stupidity.
2. I hate the thought that my children would be left in a hostile world, without a mother or father to guide them. Worst case senario, both me and my wife are killed and then the children slowly die becuase they do not know how to survive.
I hate that I catastrophise but I think it is ok as long as it is not an obsession.
Please help me sort through these issue or share your fears, either way I hope to gain an edge on my fears.
Thank You.