JoinedTopics Started by spawn2u
Name the good things that Jw's have or believe....
by AK - Jeff inwe always seem to get focused on the bad - and there is plenty of it for sure - and anyone who follows my posts knows i am no wt apologist by any stretch.
but focusing on the postive is a good thing in the 'moving on' process i think too.
what do you think jw's had right?.
Hello to all ... I've finally decided to sign up
by In Between inafter alot of time, lurking, fighting this damn inward battle i am dealing with, i've decided to join in the mix.
a little about me (i'll try not to bore you to much) ... i am a fader.
was raised jw, was even a m.s.
I think I did something very "sick" and embarassing
by kristyann inokay... so i am super embarassed once again.
this time what happened is too embarassing to share, i think.
most people would probably tell me i am gross, too, and most of you would probably not even want to hear it so i guess that i am better off not sharing it here.
Are you alive? Prove It!
by spawn2u inthose are some of the first words of the new battlestar gallactica, shown on scifi channel (also avail through itunes).. that show is incredible, with some very interesting spins on the god topic as well as human interaction under varying conditions.. really, if you have a chance try to catch some of the show but becareful because you will get hooked.
Is there somewhere to get more information about the masses leaving?
by spawn2u ini am interested in getting some facts about how many people are leaving the jw religion, anywhere or anyone have an idea of how many?
are we talking 1 from each congregation monthly, or what?
i see there are a bunch of people here ex-jw's and potential witnesses alike, i am sure that this is just a small measure of the poeple leaving.. thanks.
Brooklyn reorganization tied to "Deliverance at Hand" District Convention?
by truthseeker ina few days ago, someone posted an email that was sent by a sister in bethel.. a follow up post gives some more info on the reorganization in brooklyn bethel and the district convention theme.. any comments?.
the brooklyn move is fascinating, to be sure.. .
Those still hanging on to the "truth" routine-whats keeping you in?
by architect in.
for me its my wife of 2 1/2 years.she said she married me for my spirituality (former elder), her ex raised in the truth- never did anything with the truth.
she doesn't appreciate me taking negative about the wtbs and the watchtower study.. not sure how long i will last its been 30 years- yet i dont want to hurt my new wife.. so those of you still hanging in there- whats keeping you hanging on?
"Unevenly Yolked"
by pooka ini've posted before about seeing a jw and i am catholic.
right now we are having the "unevenly yolk" conseveration.
can anyone tell me what percentage of jw's are married to non jw?