Hi DesertRat,
Great to hear from you. I lost my Elder father at 18 suddenly from a heart attack, and grappled with similar issues that have haunted me for ten plus years. I've had incredible support from my wife and her family, (my wife converted to JWism after meeting me and pioneered for a couple of years) but they don't understand the magnitude, nor the subtleties of the mental "regulating" (conditioning) that a child growing up in the org is subject to. I, like you, suffered many breakdowns, panic attacks, neurotic episodes, and suicide attempts. I'm glad you are getting help. I'm glad you are being honest about your drinking which is something I've struggled with, if only to calm the maelstrom of irrational thoughts that I hadn't been brave enough to sift through. Things will get better the more you build up a community, and posting here is a great start. One thing I've had to do is completely tear down every wall that I've built, or have had built around me through my years of association with the Witnesses. There are no easy answers, and that is something that I think we've both always understood, hence the constant searching. The hardest (and most rewarding) thing I've done in my life to this point is to take the time to rebuild the framework of my belief system. I feel like a child again in certain respects. I capitalise on the good days and honestly seek help from others on the bad days. But I always observe. I look at things in wonder, and conversely, critically. There is something new to learn everyday, and as long as I am being sincere, if there is any justice out there, I'll be ok come "judgement day". If not, and this is all there is.... well, it's never too late to be a part of it, to do something great, to inspire someone, to be a flash of light in an eternal nothingness. I had to reject solipsism. I didn't create this world, I can't stop suffering... but I can do something good every day. And that doesn't require a reward.
Take care of yourself. Keep talking it out. There are real people out there who care.