Ok, well your picture is cute and i am sucker for a pretty face so I'll say you are probably right. They must be very progressive where you come from to have a woman as an elder.
i received my km yesterday and was studying the numbers since it has been such a hot topic on here for several weeks.. here is my take.
many lands have say 5 - 40 publishers and if say 2 - 6 leave or are da or df'ed that land then they report a 15 - 25% decline in publishers.
conversely, if 2 - 6 publishers come to a land to live or are babtised then a 15 - 25% increase is reported.
Ok, well your picture is cute and i am sucker for a pretty face so I'll say you are probably right. They must be very progressive where you come from to have a woman as an elder.
i received my km yesterday and was studying the numbers since it has been such a hot topic on here for several weeks.. here is my take.
many lands have say 5 - 40 publishers and if say 2 - 6 leave or are da or df'ed that land then they report a 15 - 25% decline in publishers.
conversely, if 2 - 6 publishers come to a land to live or are babtised then a 15 - 25% increase is reported.
I received my KM yesterday and was studying the numbers since it has been such a hot topic on here for several weeks.
Here is my take. Many lands have say 5 - 40 publishers and if say 2 - 6 leave or are DA or DF'ed that land then they report a 15 - 25% decline in publishers.
Conversely, if 2 - 6 publishers come to a land to live or are babtised then a 15 - 25% increase is reported.
I believe the society takes all of the lands percentage of increase and averages them using the basic formula to give them the 3% increase claimed this year.
If those lands, where there are only minimal publishers present, are removed from the formula wouldn't it give a more accurate picture of the total percentage of increase or decrease within the majority?
You could even give them their own little line and average them in that way. I believe those smaller country's percentage of increase skew the majority.
Has anyone worked this out? I don't have it here with me at work or I would do it myself.
hello my dear friends !
i did a thread on this about a month ago in a humorous way - so i figured i would do it again to see how things went for you during the christmas holiday season.
hopefully my off-beat sometimes humorous, sometimes insane, sometimes serious advice helped you.
I feel a strong desire to place my hat in the ring for president of the US and run on a plat form national sexcare for everyone!
imagine that in say 10 years the amount of partakers increases to 70,000 because now it seems with the new light that anybody .
can still get on the annointed train..... and soon the amount of partakers goes over the 144,000 mark, wouldn't that be enough to.
show that this wrong.
One bonus virgin!
imagine that in say 10 years the amount of partakers increases to 70,000 because now it seems with the new light that anybody .
can still get on the annointed train..... and soon the amount of partakers goes over the 144,000 mark, wouldn't that be enough to.
show that this wrong.
its all n the numbers, its all in the math!
i'll never forget the assembly in madison, wi.
where some poor sap had to tell everyone that he had become addicted to porno on the net, but through much prayerful contemplation and after confessing to the elders he was able to come to "grips" with it.. good luck to that guy with ever getting a fine sister to marry him.. poor guy.
i really felt sorry for him.
I usually heard about some folks that security caught screwing in the parking lot, in a car or elsewhere. Imagine you two are on the down
stroke and a brother comes up behind you and says "brother we need to talk, "step away from that intoxicating hind and let me see, uh I mean
pull up your pants and lets go to a situation room so you can be automatically df'ed.
we had one were a guy screwed his dog.. a guy got his step daughter pregnant and ran off with her, his wife committed sue-aside , in our country you can't marry your step children if you are the course of the brake up however apparently its not against scriptural law so the congregation gave them a marriage.. we had 4 sisters pregnant in the congro (all married) this bro of questionable mental health confessed to the elders to being father of them all.. .
During the time I spent in Bethel there were numerous stories just like these that fellow bethelites told all the time. I especially like the swinger stories between elders wives and also the homo stories that came out of Brooklyn.
we had one were a guy screwed his dog.. a guy got his step daughter pregnant and ran off with her, his wife committed sue-aside , in our country you can't marry your step children if you are the course of the brake up however apparently its not against scriptural law so the congregation gave them a marriage.. we had 4 sisters pregnant in the congro (all married) this bro of questionable mental health confessed to the elders to being father of them all.. .
An elder at one of the local congos was at a jdub party. At the venue there was a pool and he was actively participating in throwing persons
into the pool. When he himself was turned on and thrown into the pool he started a witch hunt at that very party taking names and getting
statments from folks, writing all of this down. After which he tried to start some committee meetings, never went anywhere but he kept
pressing it. I think he was df'ed for something else later. Weird deal.
imagine that in say 10 years the amount of partakers increases to 70,000 because now it seems with the new light that anybody .
can still get on the annointed train..... and soon the amount of partakers goes over the 144,000 mark, wouldn't that be enough to.
show that this wrong.
It seems that their would be an out cry though because if the numbers kept rising over the years person's would say something.
But you are right. Pretty soon though there will be no numbers left to publish.
imagine that in say 10 years the amount of partakers increases to 70,000 because now it seems with the new light that anybody .
can still get on the annointed train..... and soon the amount of partakers goes over the 144,000 mark, wouldn't that be enough to.
show that this wrong.
Imagine that in say 10 years the amount of partakers increases to 70,000 because now it seems with the new light that anybody
can still get on the annointed train..... and soon the amount of partakers goes over the 144,000 mark, wouldn't that be enough to
show that this wrong. Even if the amount of partakers goes to say 25,000 would that raise some concerns?