I will be emailing the paper/reporter. If anyone else would like to do so, NowayTess has posted the reporter's email address above. When I heard back from the Boston Globe reporter after her article, she didn't seem the least bit interested in the serious concerns raised about this group by many non/ex-witnesses. Perhaps this reporter will be more receptive to the very real problems that plague this high-control group.
JoinedPosts by detective
Artcile in St Petersberg times
by nowaytess inhere is an artice on jehovah's witnesses which was run in the st petersburg times this morning.
i have been in touch with the reporter, sharon tubbs, of this article.
she is well aware of the dateline and wt polices toward child molesters.. http://www.sptimes.com/2002/07/11/floridian/the_other_side_of_the.shtml.
My B/F told me he's a J/W after months of dating!
by Funky_Diva_53_2000 inhi, i'm 17 and i've just recently become a member of this website and i want you to know what has happened to me over the past months.back in sep/oct 2001 i started chatting to a 20 year old bloke via the internet and we developed a great friendship over the net.we would talk online for ages,text and phone each other loads,we sent each other photos of ourselves and he would often put his webcam on for me to see.before i knew it he played a great part in my everyday life...and i spent so much time chatting to him that my college work suffered a lot & i wasn't doing my coursework (i eventually got told to leave as i hadn't done loads of the assignments and stuff & had fallen behind).
after about 6 months we arranged to meet up (i made sure my parents were at home coz i know it's dodgy to meet people from the internet).anyway,he came round my house one evening in march and we got along soo well...he lives quite locally too which was good.our friendship then grew into a relationship and we started dating and going out together,i was sooo happy and i fell for him in a massive way & he said he felt the same way too.to me,he was a girls dream come true...he was kind,caring,fit,good-looking & gentle and i loved him to bits!,i still do,and i thought we'd be together forever.
something that i did find a bit strange though was i hadn't met his family yet or heard my boyfriend talk much about them.i would question him about his family but he seemed to get a bit funny about it and when i mentioned about meeting his family he said something along the lines of ''they're a bit strange,you might not like them'' (or something like that anyway).that got me thinking and i though prehaps they lived in a run-down place or something,or they wern't very nice people and i thought my b/f could be ashamed to let me meet them.i thought to myself to give him time & he'll see that i'm an understanding & nice person and hoped that he would soon come out and tell me what the problem was (thinking it was about what i've just mentioned).
Brokenheartedidiot said:
Of course i know about the mistakes that my religion has made in the past, but this only strengthens my faith in it.
translation: Yer soooo wrong you gotta be right.
alternate translation: You've screwed up so often that I believe you're reliable.
Other application: My brakes have failed repeatedly in the past but, as a result, I'm that much more certain that they'll stop me before hitting that brick wall.
Of course i know about the mistakes that Catholicism/Buddhism/Judiasm/Islamhas made in the past, but this only strengthens my faith in it.
Does that make anymore sense when you put it that way?
notes from the underground
by Incense_and_Peppermints inthe secret private jw message board, that is .
so, how do they determine this, exactly?
(whether or not someone is in "good standing".
The evacuation was calm and orderly though a bit slow due to having to stop every other row to wake up yet another snoozing member of Jah's army...
My B/F told me he's a J/W after months of dating!
by Funky_Diva_53_2000 inhi, i'm 17 and i've just recently become a member of this website and i want you to know what has happened to me over the past months.back in sep/oct 2001 i started chatting to a 20 year old bloke via the internet and we developed a great friendship over the net.we would talk online for ages,text and phone each other loads,we sent each other photos of ourselves and he would often put his webcam on for me to see.before i knew it he played a great part in my everyday life...and i spent so much time chatting to him that my college work suffered a lot & i wasn't doing my coursework (i eventually got told to leave as i hadn't done loads of the assignments and stuff & had fallen behind).
after about 6 months we arranged to meet up (i made sure my parents were at home coz i know it's dodgy to meet people from the internet).anyway,he came round my house one evening in march and we got along soo well...he lives quite locally too which was good.our friendship then grew into a relationship and we started dating and going out together,i was sooo happy and i fell for him in a massive way & he said he felt the same way too.to me,he was a girls dream come true...he was kind,caring,fit,good-looking & gentle and i loved him to bits!,i still do,and i thought we'd be together forever.
something that i did find a bit strange though was i hadn't met his family yet or heard my boyfriend talk much about them.i would question him about his family but he seemed to get a bit funny about it and when i mentioned about meeting his family he said something along the lines of ''they're a bit strange,you might not like them'' (or something like that anyway).that got me thinking and i though prehaps they lived in a run-down place or something,or they wern't very nice people and i thought my b/f could be ashamed to let me meet them.i thought to myself to give him time & he'll see that i'm an understanding & nice person and hoped that he would soon come out and tell me what the problem was (thinking it was about what i've just mentioned).
Oooooh. I was really going to stay away from this one but I...can't...resist.
Do they hand out a manual to you folks on how to string along worldly people? Seriously, I'm shocked at how familiar your sentiments are! Why? Because I've heard them ad nauseum from a JW friend. I'm not a witness so I actually thought it was a fairly unique circumstance when I first heard those "I'm so torn" ramblings. Jehovah versus my worldly girlfriend/boyfriend... what to do? You sound EXACTLY like my friend. I suspect you'd be pretty alarmed if you realized the striking similarities in your "defense". Please, B.H. Idiot, break up with this girl immediately. PRONTO.
I have ZERO sympathy for you, B.H. Idiot. You're too cowardly to look at the facts about your religion, you misled your girlfriend and now you have the nerve to try to equate dating a nice girl with violating god- gimme a break!!Somebody told you you can't have both... and you bought it hook, line and sinker. How foolish! He hasn't seen through the scheming of a high control group that will do anything to keep him in it's clutches- including implying that he will be offensive to god for loving someone outside his group. What utter hogwash! I think Funky deserves a smarter fella than that! I know she deserves a guy who is honest with her.
Buddy, I know what you're going to say before you say it. Believe me, I wish I didn't!! I'd rather you surprise me but after reading your posts so far, I seriously doubt it! So, either step up and start reading up on your religion and the bible from sources outside your group or walk on, pal. Isn't your girl worth a little effort on your part? Isn't she worth a trip to the library? How about a surf to www.freeminds.com? If you can't do that much, then I'd be really disgusted.
He either is ready to learn more about his religion or he isn't (mind you, he doesn't have to agree with it but he needs to know it either way). You don't stand a chance until he is ready to do his homework. If he can't do that much then get rid of him. Either he cracks a book or you show him the door. IMMEDIATELY. He's too indoctrinated and afraid to be a viable mate at this point. And his hanging on to you is wrong, knowing full well that he has no intention of really reviewing his situation.Tell him to step up or step away.
Boston channel 7 story transcript
by coffee_black inhttp://www.whdh.com/features/articles/specialreport/h56/ .
short but fairly good.
they listed the 800-why-1914 helpline number on the website too., they edited out the name of jehovah's witnesses, but it's pretty obvious that's who we're talking about.. cb
Good question, AngryXJW.
It looks as if some might have missed this, so I'm bringing it back up top just in case.
Pro-JW article in the Boston Globe! write 'em!
by detective inwell, sadly i missed catching this article when it ran this past sunday (june 23).
that means that i can't link to the article online so that people here can get a look at it.
i've got a hard copy but it doesn't seem likely that i'll be able to scan it.. if i have time, i'll try to put some highlights out there for you folks to consider.. here's the lead-in paragraphs:.
I did get a response back from the reporter. I will not post the email but i will give the jist of it. The reporter said that they were interested in witnesses as a mass marketing group and didn't want to touch on the religious aspect as much as the marketing approach. She said they weren't interested in discussing whether the religion was good or bad outside that angle. It was a pleasant enough email but i still think the reporter is missing the big picture. Oh well.
Boston channel 7 story transcript
by coffee_black inhttp://www.whdh.com/features/articles/specialreport/h56/ .
short but fairly good.
they listed the 800-why-1914 helpline number on the website too., they edited out the name of jehovah's witnesses, but it's pretty obvious that's who we're talking about.. cb
A good read! Go WHDH!! I'm glad some people are speaking up!
Latest WT Encourages You to Question Your Religion
by stevieb1 inas long as your not a jw already that is!!!!!!.
that being said the august 15, 2002 edition of the watchtower carries the cover article "to whom should you be loyal?
" which contains several experiences of ones who gave up their old religion and despite much opposition became jehovah's witnesses.
I realize I'm about to stray off the topic a bit but I noriced this quote and wanted to ask a question.
Yet, once Saul gained accurate knowledge of the Bible, he did what many of his peers viewed as unthinkable. He changed his religion.
Exactly what is it that they are alleging Saul(Paul) gained accurate knowledge of? The old testament? Wouldn't he then have stayed a Jew? If not the old testament, then what? The bible didn't exist in cannon form at that point?
So what do you think they mean by this?
Pro-JW article in the Boston Globe! write 'em!
by detective inwell, sadly i missed catching this article when it ran this past sunday (june 23).
that means that i can't link to the article online so that people here can get a look at it.
i've got a hard copy but it doesn't seem likely that i'll be able to scan it.. if i have time, i'll try to put some highlights out there for you folks to consider.. here's the lead-in paragraphs:.
I just sent my letter. I may post it here later.
I had another thought about this reporter. I'm still thinking she may have a connection to the witnesses. While it may just be slight paranoia on my part, I still think she was allowed quite a bit of access all things considered. I noticed that she didn't speak to any non-witnesses. In fact, the only counter argument she offered was from a non-witness. Coincidence? Hm.
Pro-JW article in the Boston Globe! write 'em!
by detective inwell, sadly i missed catching this article when it ran this past sunday (june 23).
that means that i can't link to the article online so that people here can get a look at it.
i've got a hard copy but it doesn't seem likely that i'll be able to scan it.. if i have time, i'll try to put some highlights out there for you folks to consider.. here's the lead-in paragraphs:.
Hopefully i'll have a letter off to them tomorrow. I'm a bit too beat to think about being coherent tonight.
Skally, if you're reading this- I'd love to know if you ever made that call to the reporter!
Bad associashun...thank you! the more responses we generate, the better our chances are of being heard!