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JoinedPosts by Jringe01
nine pages of BS from October AWAKE
by purplesofa ini hope that some of you lurkers out here really take a look at some of the thread in this section of the board.
this awake magazine says not one thing about how families are asked to trust their elders and how these very elders were and are abusing their children.
it mentions nothing about watching out for these trusted men in the congregations.............oh it brings out the internet, other family members and fathers and males in particular.. it will tell you how much your child needs to do to prevent something like this from happening.
Christmas VS. Jehovah's Witnesses Dolls, Figurines!
by Sarah Smiles inraised as one of jehovah's witness i was taught that christmas was pagan!
one reason was the miss use of false images of jesus and mary.
the catholic church members bowed down to the image of mary and jesus.
In all of this you forget the fact that at God's order the Temple in Jerusalem was decorated with bulls (holding up a basin), angles etc.
They have a point. Am image of any kind is just that, an image. It's only when you start to venerate it that it becomes an idol.
How to stump someone that believes the noah's flood happened.
by 5go inone of the key peices of evidence that people sight to try to prove the flood happen is the fact the most cultures have a flood myth or story as they put it.. i was just watching a program that also points out the most, if not all cultures believe in dragons.
even cultures that evolve in isolation have beliefs in dragons and they are all simular though not the same.
just like the flood myth.. so if they believe the flood happened because so many cultures have flood stories.
Back to the flood thing, i can remember being on a JW's tour of the history museum down in London, and the guide (being a witness) stated that the size of the history museum was about the same size as the ark, and said, look how easy it would have been to fit every kind of animal in. Of course he failed to see (or accept) that a wooden structure of that size
1. Can't float
ahhh...yes it can wherehasmyhairgone. Shipbuilders still use those same ratio's (6 to 1) as laid out in Genesis
It didn't have to steer or cut thru water. All it had to do was stay afloat and be watertight. Genesis also says that Noah was instructed to put holes (presumably for ventilation) into the structure so the methane crack shows you missed that part.
As for the food and maintence...that's a matter of faith. It's up to the individual to decide if it's plausible.
Yes...just as there could be ones where the WTS is hugely powerful and has tens of millions of followers There could also be parallel universes where the WTS has a radically different look and belief structure What if...???
Interesting Email My Daughter Sent Me....
by Sunspot init contains this url:.
i thought it was very clever..... .
I loved it too...great song.
Anyone Else from Canada?
by Miss 8572 ini'm really intrigued by that fact that i may know some of you and yet not know that i know you.
i just want to know how many people from canada are here.
if you don't mind and don't care about posting your province (cause i'm too timid to) we could all get an idea of just how many canucks are really out there.
I'm from Nova Scotia and now live in Montreal, just a short walk from Atwater market
JW Fired for Refusing to Sing Happy Birthday
by Kenneson inin mesquite, texas, sabrina ballantine says she was fired from razzoo's for refusing to sing happy birthday.
she is a jw, who does not believe in celebrating birthdays and singing this song.. "razzoo's settles lawsuit over religious firing.".
if this was a gay, woman, black, jewish or muslim issue we wouldn't be having this discussion
The JW didn't need to be fired. Totally uncalled for. All the JW had to do was get sonmeone else to cover the birthday stuff and he/she could cover that persons work in the meantime. The solution is so simple yet as ususal all parties get caught up in the rethoric and miss the obvious
jonny cip: If you think North Korea is such a good place to send people then why not send yourself??? You should never recommend a course of action to anyone that you are not prepared to do yourself. Try it out and see if it's really the good idea you claim it is.
You think Hitler was too soft on the JW??? That is the most vile and dispicable thing I have yet heard on this forum, how can you not truely comprehend what millions of people had to go thru during Hitler's tyrrany. That was the sickest and most vile chapter in human history.
jonny cip, people like Hitler THRIVE because of people like you. If you had lived in Nazi Germany I could see you taking part in the holocaust, you'd have been just what the Nazi's wanted. A hate filled individual, so blinded by his feelings that if given the chance he'll give them full vent. It's people like you jonny cip that threaten democracy, freedom and rule of law. Thank god that most people saw the hatred you espouse as the abomination that it is and rejected it ir else we'd be living in a very different world right now
What sickens me more is that although it was stated by Scully that your posting rights had been restricted you still managed to get on here and further your hateful cause. Scully what's the point of calling him to task over his comments and restricting his postings if he's gonna be allowed to come back in and post some more of his hate filled musings??? This now seems like a double standard on your part and I'd apprciate a clarification because right now I am offended that the restriction seems to have had no effect. If you are going to go thru the trouble to disipline him and reminds us all of the rules at the same time shouldn't it be more obvious that real action was taken? Yet when we look we still see him posting offensive comments even if he is wording them differently
Get yer 2007 ASSembly invitation here
by cultswatter inenjoy
I got mine a few days ago. I'm in the heart of Montreal and it was inviting me to a convention in Cornwall Ontario which is at least an hour and 1/2 how lame is that
Who has my Joie d'vivre ? I demand it back right now!!
by Crumpet inwarning: don't read this if you are easily depressed!.
here's how it is for me right now - no frills:.
its pants, sh*t, black, doom, gloom and don't spare the melancholy (pronounced mel-ankley if you are me).. what's brought this on?
I went two whole months this winter with a knife within arms reach at all times. I was so depressed that I was actually comming to terms with ending it and could have done it. I even did research so I could find the best method. Those were a lot of dark and lonely nights.
I'm still not sure what lifted me out of all that although I'm sure that work played a part. I couldn't afford not to go to work so I'd trundle off, sneaking off to the stairwell for a cry whenever I couldn't handle it anymore. Then one day either someone said something or I read something that made me laugh, just a small one but it was enough. Once I laughed my recovery was assured in the long run. It really is the best medicine.
Everyone is different in these situations so not all advice given will work 100% however if you can still laugh at something then you'll be fine. It means you are starting to heal already even if you don't realize it. Sometimes it just takes time.
All the best to ya luv
Do you think that the 'Convention' tract work will seem silly to most?
by AK - Jeff inin this territory it will mean 'inviting' people to a religious convention about 200 miles away, about a religion that most already do not care about.
i believe this could be a 'tactical error' on the part of the gb, who seem mostly interesting in keeping the urgency level on high with this.
but as far as future converts are concerned, won't most people who were riding the fence as to classifying this group as a cult, go ahead and jump down on the affirmative side of the fence with this stupidity?
The tracts shouldn't be winding up in landfills though. One would hope in this day and age that people would at least have the common sense to recycle it so it can be used to make egg cartons with or put into the next edition of the National Enquirer.