God supposedly killed every man, woman and child on the planet with a flood. How many pregnant women with innocent children in their wombs died in the flood?
Do you believe these innocent children will be resurrected?
when we speak of the nature of god, we talk of attributes such as his infinite immutable eternal love.
what joy that should fill us with!
how that should elevate our hearts and minds!.
God supposedly killed every man, woman and child on the planet with a flood. How many pregnant women with innocent children in their wombs died in the flood?
Do you believe these innocent children will be resurrected?
by dr. mark eastman.
" a proper understanding of this issue not only provides great insight into the nature of god, it ties together a comprehensive understanding to some of life's ultimate questions: the answers to my origin, meaning, morality and destiny!.
the christian worldview is an impractical, even phony, view of the cosmos because it embraces a god who is either incapable of stopping evil and suffering, and he is therefore not omnipotent, or is unwilling to do so and therefore a devil!.
Richard Dawkins speaks of " The Shifting Moral Zeitgeist":
For example, women have rights in spite of religion.
christmas is the time to talk about peace.
jesus is called the prince of peace.. john lennon and yoko ono put out posters that read "war is over - if you want it".. peace doesn't depend on scientific progress.
it certainly doesn't take prosperity and riches to have peace.
The Amish also do not go to war. They are better examples of being "no part of this world".
Considering JW's extensive use of the legal system, I question their "no part of this world" stance. What is more worldly than a lawyer?
having believed the whole bible, hook, line and sinker all these years i get the impression many of you have come to the conclusion that we should take it with a pinch of salt and not hold to it so dogmatically.
and some possibly believe in it just as much as you did when you were a witness.
to save me some time please, lovely people, as i am very lazy - could you share with me why you do or don't believe in it - what evidence there is either way and if there are any particular books that you found helpful in coming to your conclusions?
I wish I had a reset button on the back of my head that would clear out all the programmed superstitions from my childhood.
do any of you listen to the "skeptics guide to the universe" podcast?.
its a great podcast that encourages critical thinking.
Perry DeAngelis was married to a Jehovah's Witness.
Perry died recently and was one of the founders of the SGU (Skeptics Guide to the Universe)
do any of you listen to the "skeptics guide to the universe" podcast?.
its a great podcast that encourages critical thinking.
Do any of you listen to the "Skeptics Guide to the Universe" podcast?
Its a great podcast that encourages critical thinking. I recommend it.
this is an elaboration of a comment i made on gills post about the demise of jw's as the years pass.
gill suggested that humans have survived turmoil in the past.
but our world is different.
When things get really bad, won't the guys with guns be the most successful at survival? Witnesses will be prey for the predators. Known to be pacifists. Easy pickings.
just wondering if ex-jws find it hard to trust others since their bad experience or are they still gullble souls?
just wondering because some of the stories i read about past experiences are off the charts!
some of you, your childhoods, your parents are seriously jacked up!
Beroean, Do you believe there is a God and that his name is Jehovah and that he has a visible organization on earth that is called "Jehovahs Witnesses"? Do you believe the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" is actually inspired by this God, or are the FDS just bible interpreters?
i responce to this post .
i'll start it off, then someone else give them a different challenge if you can think of any.. please give definitive examples that by evolution, a species has changed into something else.
give two separate findings by scientists, and it can't include any comments like "so we believe", "so we conclude that", or "the evidence shows that there could have been".....the wts has those copyrighted.. try and give un-doctored photographic proof, where possible, etc.
If you believe a God created life on earth, you must at least believe that he/she/it is experimenting with "natural selection", survival of the fittest.
In the New System, when the lion lays down with the lamb, the E. Coli will lay down with the bacteriophage.