This site was an immense help to me early in the fade (late 2000 - 2002) when I was struggling to define a spiritual direction for myself. I still find it helpful now & then to see where I am at..
My latest Top Ten are as follows:
1.) Neo-Pagan (100%)
2.) Unitarian Universalism (91%)
3.) New Age (87%)
4.) Mahayana Buddhism (83%)
5.) Liberal Quakers (80%)
6.) Jainism (77%)
7.) Reform Judaism (76%)
8.) Baha'i Faith (71%)
9.) Sikhism (70%)
10.) Hinduism (69%)
#1, which occasionally trades places with #'s 3 or 4, has always made sense because of my primary interest in Native teachings, drumming, medicine wheels, Mayan/Toltec wisdom, etc.
#2--There is a Unitarian Universalist church nearby which I have attended perhaps a half-dozen times. I love the eclectic atmosphere & wide variety of belief systems tolerated, but have no desire to commit myself fully to any one church or belief system (at least not now..)
And guess what comes in dead last??? Yes...EVERY TIME!!! Think that should eliminate any lingering questions as to whether there still is, or ever will be, a place for me in the Org..
Isn't freedom wonderful???