Oh, I was all excited, I thought it was goint to be a post about the demon "The terrible Trivium" from "The Phantom Tollbooth."
Hi educ8self, are you a former JW? Are you just curious about homeschooling?
I really don't know about that method. Sounds interesting to me too. Maybe you could google it? It's mostly ex-JW's here.
JoinedPosts by smellsgood
The trivium
by educ8self ini recently found out about the classical model of education based on three stages of grammar, dialectic and rhetoric - evidently it is of interest with home schooling.
i wonder if anyone has any input on this.
i get the basic concept, but am just interested in going a little deeper into it.
To what extent has pms/pmdd affected you and relationships?
by FreedomFrog ini'm doing a research on pms/pmdd and what it does to relationships such as friends/spouses/children.. pms affects about 85% of women....mild to severe.
pmdd affects about 3-8% of women...severe to intolerable.. .
edit to add..... http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007193.htm#signs%20and%20tests.
I have five or more of those symptoms, but I'd say they're mild so PMS. Mild except for the getting really hungry. I should be 20 stone, but I guess I have a fast metabolism.
I was going to start a topic asking the ladies what they experienced.
I would describe my cramps like this: It feels as if my uterus is at on end seared to my lower vertebrae, and at the same time it feels as if many-ended hooks are embedded and pulling it to the other side. It sucks and feels like hell. I'm also much more sensitive to nicotine/caffeine during my cycle. -
Atheists vs Theists - IQ Score
by serotonin_wraith ini've heard about a few studies that show atheists are smarter than theists in some aspects of life- science, maths, etc.
i'm not sure how true it is though, so let's see how we do.
i did my test at www.iqtest.com.
I can't help but think not only of the present intellectuals but of the past as well.
For me, I would have to assume a very opprobrius (I used a big word!) and contemptuous mindset in order to brush off billions upon billions of people present and past who believed in a Deity of some sort or other, of whom the majority I will never have any idea as to their er...Intelligence Quotient, and declare those many many people as likely having a lesser intelligence compared to their non-believing counterparts.
I think for example of Isaac Newton. He was most certainly a believer. Perhaps he was an "exception" to the dumb rule, but I think we can all agree his intellect was absolutely breathtaking. What about the philosophers of thousands years past who are still relevant and were theists? Plato anyone? Of course, there are incredible minds of both persuasion.
I think many people if they have run across such a study, and perhaps particularly if they aren't of the highest intelligence (as it seems that many of the dumber ones I run across believe themselves to be of exceptional intellect, ever encountered this?) they will want to join the group who appears to have the intellectual upperhand. I'm saying, that if it is perceived that to be of greater intelligence to be an atheist, then one who PERCEIVES himself to be of greater intellect will immediately want to associate with that group. Then you will have very smart and perhaps dumb ones who believe themselves to be smart, gravitate towards it. Just like so many sheep. That may draw down the group pretty quick.
Everyone wants to be one of the "smart" group. There may be an element of self-importance and pomposity in the identifying oneself w/ a group perceived to be of superior intelligence.
All and all I don't really think it is an intellectual problem at all. I think it is a great many factors, but I would not group so broadly a group consisting of such a great percentage of the population past and present.
Even with what I think to be completely idiotic belief systems such as Mormonism or Moonies, I recognize that very intellegent people can be duped, it is a deception, it is a commandeering of the circuitry. I restrict the wholesale deception pretty much exclusively to cults though.
anyways, longwinded, perhaps misinformed and missing all kinds of points, but my 2 cents -
So...ya wanna see my ugly mug?
by Little Drummer Boy ini figure it's time.. i've been out of the borg long enough and i love you guys and trust you.. so....here i am for the world to see.... this is me striking a pose as systems administrator.. .
i love my servers.... oh, and "i believe you have my stapler?
Oh, sooon you ain't ugly. I do sense, but have not enough information to make a true and robust determination, but nonetheless, I sense that you might need a style transformation. Of course those are the work clothes, yet a feeling comes to me that this isn't the only style you may need to transform a bit. ..what does ex-witless have to say to this, agreed or totally agreed?
My Theory
by Princess Daisy Boo ini have had this theory for a very long time and i would like to hear what everyone has to say about this.. i think that people are either inherantly religious or not.
if they are inherantly religious, then the wtbts will naturally apeal to them, all the deep in depth study and the bible analysis and so on.
they feel the need to look to a higher source for fulfilment.. and then there are those that are not inherantly religious... the ones the prefer to concentrate on the here and now.
"And then there are those that are not inherantly religious... the ones the prefer to concentrate on the here and now. That does not make them shallow or anything. For these people, the look to themselves and those around them for fulfilment."
--um, I disagree with the structure of your theory. Since it is not imcompatible to be religious and concentrate on the here and now. I don't see alot of people I know believing something because it is "fulfilling." I observe more that they are convinced of something, and acknowledge what they are convinced of. Religion, like so many other things doesn't necessarily bring "fulfillment" even if one is as you say 'inherently' religious. Fulfillment depends on a great many things.
So, I think maybe the fault I find is in the presentation of your theory. Because it is not like a religious person cannot concentrate on the here and now. In fact I think that many religions encourage this.
Aside from that, the main premise of the theory. Perhaps, I suppose that is for someone in the Scientific field to study. Everyone's heard of the "God" gene. But I don't know how solid it is. If you look at history, it seems that very few were not believers in something 'beyond.' I think we have seen that number multiply exponetially in the recent decades. I reckon it is a choice more than anything. Weigh the evidence, come to a decision.
Just like with other "tendencies" it is just that. Not a sentence, not the end, the case is not closed. Just like someone who is prone to obesity, still has a choice of lifestyle.
It's an interesting thing to think about. But I think alot of it is informational, emotional, attitude, many factors. I say that because there is such a great gap from our ancestors and us. And I don't think that its just people inheriting a gene, or becoming more INHERENTLY inclined. There's too great a number for that to be the only cause. -
Yeah as hot as that sounds, no.
When my brother was an infant, a thoughtless individual infected with cold sores, known to some as a cousin, kissed him on the mouth. His entire mouth broke out, with the crusty bloody gums and all. -
Taking someone else's medicine......
by lisavegas420 ini know it's never a good idea to take a prescription that has been prescribed for someone else, but this was totally an accident.
every morning for the past 15 years or so, my husband sets out vitamins for both of us.
these cocktail of pills have changed over the years depending on what i've been reading and have diagnosed that we need.
Oh, I can't imagine a one time popping of a low dose lexapro, a drug alot of people I know have taken, would do anything at all. It's almost medically impossible. It takes 6 weeks for that stuff to build up in your system anyways til it really "starts" working.
If he was not himself, you may rule out a one time lexapro as the cause of it. -
The Way I Are.
by RichieRich indamn!!!.
i hit enter way too soon.. i've got a long post coming, so hold your applause for a moment, ok?
Damn Richie! Glad to know your ok, and hope the whole process isn't too costly, ongoing, ridiculous. And wow, 100K bond is alot, is the Judge/Prosecutor being unreasonable?
...my question...shall be...if it was asked I apologize...but how was the damn prison food? Did you get to eat any sherbet?
Was it co-ed or boys only?
Well, if you didn't do something that was udderly egregious and monumentally destructive, so that way you don't spend any more time in prison, you've totally got more street cred now.
So was it the authorities who brought the charges against you, or did the man whom you got into the altercation with press charges? I'm a little confused there. -
Wow! - What else did I never learn?
by Awakened07 inok - this is probably old news to most of you, but i just now found out about this.
- the way i've always understood it (and never really thought any more of it), is that in 1931, the bible students changed their name to jehovah's witnesses.
i've never heard any more about the circumstances surrounding this, so i always assumed it just happened without any fuzz.
Yeah, just like with Christianity, what started with Charles T. is not simply one homogenous body. There are many offshoot groups. Their complaint about Christendom after 2000 years having too many denominations is silly when you think that a ridiculous little cult has a bundle of their own "denominations" though not recognised or included in any WT programme, who've sprouted out of the very same orchard, I mean death knell, I mean salted ground, I mean salted festering putricious scumpond death knell....soul crushing...orchard.
WT is such an onion, so many stinky layers that make you cry. -
When Do You Read or Post Here Most Often???
by minimus induring the mornings, afternoons, evenings??
on certain days more than others??.
i usually post thru the day, while at work.
Usually I'll post between my official duties as Ambassador to Burma, my guest Professor lectures at Cambridge, and modelling for Versace. When I'm not to busy with that, which can keep me away from the Computer, and not worn out from the constant travel and the nursing baby wolf cubs on the side, I find some time to post about Barad Dum.
my life seems so much more exciting when I write it down!