This is another way that men sexualize women, they do not want to see breasts being used in any other manner than sexually, so they try to "encourage" the women to use rooms away from them
Well said.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #b450ab; } .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } --> the watchtower societya woman's perspective often times, i wondered how the sisters viewed the organization.. there will be two or three inquiries regarding this discussion so.
any information regarding it would be appreciated.. the way the sisters dressed according to the way the society viewed women what did you.
think about there standards regarding the dress code?.
This is another way that men sexualize women, they do not want to see breasts being used in any other manner than sexually, so they try to "encourage" the women to use rooms away from them
Well said.
women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours?
as far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them.
now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace.
Mary, I admire your well written posts, you are spot on.
However I think your beating your head against a wall when your speaking to Dido.
She has ignored many of the good points you have made.
ok, i'm on a roll.. were you all told that only people with the right heart condition would understand the scriptures?.
and, did you constantly feel like you did not have the right heart condition?.
i just sorta gave up as my heart was not going to be manipulated anymore.. so, sometimes i kinda feel like i have a defective heart.. i don't know why this song comes to just did.. .
If you have the right "heart condition" you will accept "the truth".
So how can you punish people for not accepting "the truth", they didn't have the right heart condition, so how could they?
name few words or expressions a normal person can say, but not a jw.. when someone sneezes, you can't say bless ya !.
if you want to surprise a jw, you can't say boo !!!
Damn, meetings sure are boring........
name few words or expressions a normal person can say, but not a jw.. when someone sneezes, you can't say bless ya !.
if you want to surprise a jw, you can't say boo !!!
Good luck!
right before i got disfellowshipped in 2002 i was sitting in the kingdom hall listening to an elder give a public needs talk.....and this one floored me.. so the brother starts talking about what it means to be a capable wife...of course all of the scriptures and regular bullshit we've heard over and over....but then he goes on to say...."so what i'm saying sisters is.... to save money to help with the household you can make a garden and get food from that to make your dinners.... you can learn how to sew so that you can make your own clothes instead of spending money to go and buy them at expensive department stores.... and you could look into your circumstances to see if its feasible for you to quit your jobs to stay home and run the household....blah blah blah.." i can't much remember the rest because my head had blown up to the size of jupiter with the hot steam i was about to let go in the middle of the talk.
i decided it was better to get up and go... and i did.
i only mention this now...because (now divorced from my ministerial servant husband of 10 years), i am a single mother that has worked her ass off not only in the secular world, but now as a mother raising two children, getting my college degree and maintaining every avenue of the household responsibilities on my own.
Just another way to keep women dependent and subservient....
that's it, exactly.
Again, I tend to doubt that the Society would have made the ridiculous arrangement of having someone with animosity toward Greenlees take him to the airport. As I see it, whoever took him to the airport must have been on friendly terms with him,
The airport driver was another incident. This man saw Greenlees touch his young son in an inappropriate manner. Dad freaked and kicked Greenlees out of his home, nothing was done about the incident. At a later date this man was asked to pick up Greenlees at the airport, . I'm sure whoever asked him to was not aware of Dad's feelings towards Greenlees..
There is another incident of a young bethelite saying that Greenless liked to have sex with boys "in their butt". The story is in one of sevenofsix's threads that are resurfacing right now.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #cc9900; } .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: italic; } --> were you afraid of what people thought about you in the kingdom hall?
throughout my tenure as one of jehovah's witnesses, i could not help notice how individuals.
became so conscious of what others thought about them.
I was so small I was still trying to break thumb sucking. I never did get it right and the kh was up for grabs laughing at me.
As a child, I hated it when the congo would laugh after I made a comment.
Can you imagine everyone doing that condescending little chuckle after an adult made a comment? No, of course not, because it's rude as hell.
But apparently, JW's don't think it's rude to laugh at children's comments.
but to answer the original question, yeah, I worried what others thought, being a JW means it's all about appearances. It's important that you look and act a certain way.
If you can act the right way, you will have many "privledges".
Who you are as a person is unimportant
untitled document <!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #009900; } body { background-color: #f3f2d6; } .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} --> the uniting of the races, giving credit where credit is due although this discussion is going to raise the eyebrows of controversy, it is.
having been one of jehovah's witnesses for a .
number of years i could not help but notice that there was harmony between.
Your a white boy ain't ya? YES I AM - and your point is??????????????
My best friend is married to an african-american women - she is my wifes best friend. My cousin is married to somebody none -white ( from India). My brother - in -law is also and my sister.
Stilla, i did not mean to suggest you were racist.
What I meant to suggest was, if your a white boy, then perhaps you would not be as aware of racism around you then if you were not a white boy.
Of course i have no way of knowing, it was just a thought......
untitled document <!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #009900; } body { background-color: #f3f2d6; } .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} --> the uniting of the races, giving credit where credit is due although this discussion is going to raise the eyebrows of controversy, it is.
having been one of jehovah's witnesses for a .
number of years i could not help but notice that there was harmony between.
never noticed racism - and saw loads of mixed race marriages and still do
Your a white boy ain't ya?