i don't know why i never spotted this before, but my daughter from my first marriage has just pointed out to me that her grandmother - my jw mother - has never ever contacted her since she was a child.
how would her grandmother respond if she - my daughter - made some contact?.
my first response was to say that i'm sure she would be delighted to hear from her, but then i got to wondering.
i have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
i copied my reply from the "can you confirm this wt quote" thread because i wanted to highlight the need to be careful when talking to jw relatives.. it all started out as a joke for my jw brother.
for 7 years, since i left the wts, i've kept silent about what i've found out about the wts to prevent my losing contact with him and his family.. i sent him an email the other day jokingly wondering if he was going to stop preaching since the 20th century is over, included in the email was the wt quote from 1-1-89. he emailed me back, saying that he looked it up and it said "our generation".
i replied by saying that the quote was changed because of the screw up.
All that you've done TR is to tell him as it is. You haven't misled him...you haven't lied to him. My heart goes out to you...sometimes speaking the truth f**ks things up.
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me... We're the keepers of our destiny...
here`s a true story that will gladden the heart of anyone who`s been cut dead because of the wtbts unsriptural and barbaric shunning policy.. some time ago i was contacted by my old friend fred.
he lives in portsmouth, my old stomping ground and the scene of my dfing.
well, um, ya, so i'm just gonna offer some free, unsolicited adive here...... quick aside: for those of you that don't know me, here's a little background (short and sweet version)....raised a jw, baptized at 15, da'd at 17. .
my mind was wandering last night and i started thinking about the way 'faithful' jws issue blanket condemnations.
i wondered if it's a personality thing that is just reinforced by the jw mantra of "we're always right and we're the only true religion etc.
" or if it's a jw or other fundy religious phenomenon.. here's two examples, feel free to add your own.. when i was about 17, i started visiting nyc regularly, and attending different congregations (wow!
Here's one - sisters in my old cong were not allowed to wear leggings.
Another - a brother in a neighbouring cong was not allowed to become a mini-man, due to the fact that he insisted on wearing a blue shirt to meetings, not a white one.
Yours dig
Ordinary people just like you and me... We're the keepers of our destiny...
after talkin in chat tonight....it has got me and a friend talkin about whether marijuana should be legalised.. my view...yes, .
i) who has the right to tell me what to do with my own body?.
ii) alcohol is a legalised drug....each year more deaths occur through alcohol abuse than marijuana usage.. iii) people smoke it anyway and the question is not bein addressed.. iv) it's great to get stoned!!!
this thread was inspired by all the brujaja superstitons of the borg so in honor and defense of the simpsons to which i video tape on a daily basis i start this thread in the name of fun :.
post your favorite simpson qoute along with the character who said it.
.. "i've noticed your house smells like feces, not just monkey feces either"--- homer