On the whole, Dawkins is able is accomplish a fair amount of good in his book. As an earlier poster claimed, (before I got lost in one of the previous super-long posts), he makes people think. Really, it is what they need to do, if they are ever going to break away from a religious mindset.
Aside from some apparent arrogance, I really only disagreed with Dawkins on one major point in his book. That being, in one of the later chapters, he claims in so many words that the reason for religious fundamentalism is the fact that religons, (even harmless ones), are allowed to exist at all. I liken that to saying the reason we have bank robberies is because we have banks. No, the obvious real reason, is just simply because there are greedy, dishonest people in the world, period. If there weren't any banks, they would steal elsewhere. Same is true here. Fundamentalism, is borne of intolerance. Yes, religions have been a mojor source of intolerance for millenia, but not the only source. If religion went away, intolerant people would find another avenue to dispense their intolerance. Remember Stalin?
That said, if you can take what some of he says with a few grains of salt, and ignore the overlaying arrogance, I found The God Delusion to be a good, stimulating read.