this IS what separates the average person from the jws. Most people are content to just live life, read a little here and there, and learn these things on an academic level, as they go through life.
I gotta say I totally disagree. I'm not a minority in this.
Sorry if that sentence sounded kinda pro jw, (after re-reading it it does read that way). I didn't mean it like that. The point I was making, is what many others have said here. Happiness is NOT dependant on knowing absolute truth. The closest thing we have to absolute truth is what science and history allow us to know. Kid-A makes a good point about self-actualization. That is what we really strive for. Not everyone gets to that level, though. For those that do not, the tendency is to find a level of satisfaction in whatever one's existence is.
Don't let fear of not "knowing" everything, or fear of no sky-god ruin your ability to find happiness. It's not a bad thing to not be satisfied with one's personal knowledge in this regard, (hence, the stiving for self actualization), just don't continue to look in the wrong places for it, if the pursuit matters to you. I know some of the more religious here would disagree with me on this, but there are times when my personal level of atheism does lend something to a discussion, even if it's not what is being debated here.