JoinedTopics Started by done4good
Dan Sydlik
by done4good inmorning warship - he was the only restraint and i'm not saying that lightly.
i know there are a dozen others here who were in bethel back in the early 2000's who know what i'm talking about.
he actually kept me thinking this was jehovah's org because of his sincerity as if the holy spirit was operating in him.
A good perspective-setting NYT article on humanity's progress
by done4good in®ion=header&pgtype=blogs&version=blog%20post&contentcollection=opinion.
interesting read.. d4g.
Good NYT article on gravitational waves discovery
by done4good in®ion=top-news&wt.nav=top-news&_r=0.
probably the biggest find since the higgs.. d4g.
Why facts fail to reach the faithful, (even the intelligent ones)
by done4good ini posted this on another thread, and decided it deserves its own...thoughts?.
an unfortunate artifact of evolution is that belief can, and often does trump fact.
survival is at the core of what belief is about.
10 Years On...
by done4good injust a note that 10 years ago, (christmas day, 2005), was my last time inside a kh.
a lot has taken place for the better in those 10 years:.
1. met the love of my life and happily married for 9 years, two days ago.. 2. completed a master's degree.. 3. work at senior management level in the it field.. 4. have a savings and retirement, and no debt outside of a mortgage and 1 car loan.. 5. lots of travel to several places that i never would have done as a jw.. 6. contribute to what i believe are meaningful causes.. 7. read, think, and meditate for myself.. 8. have a great extended family i inherited from my wife.. 9. lots of other great stuff, too much to list.. none of this is intended to be boastful.
by done4good inin jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
Recent Ads on this site - Simon this needs some fixing
by done4good ini am noticing that when some of the ads run, the page keeps scrolling upward towards them.
this is annoying and should be addressed, as it makes some threads almost impossible to read.
have same effect on two different oss, (same browser type, firefox).
10 Years ago today...
by done4good ini mentally awoke.
it took another 6 months or so to walk away for good, but this date marked the end of my belief in any conventional sense of the word.. d4g.
Interview With An Apostate: done4good
by done4good intell us a little about yourself and your family.. family first started studying with jw around 1977. i was 4 then, and raised pretty much up the religion from that point onward.
my father studied, lost interest, but mom picked up where he left off.
simultaneously, my aunt studied with another jw, and dove in head first.
The INTJ Personality Type, (and those close to it)
by done4good ini am compelled to write a bit about this at this late hour here in the us, because it is keeping me up.. the recent four year old thread on the briggs myers personality type test that was dug up, produced an interesting finding.
many here, (at least tested informally for), the intj personality type.
intjs also do not understand irrational behavior particularly well at all.. why does this matter?