In a word.....
found this interesting snipit from a website.
actually makes sense.
the god of the ot is very violent, no matter how many ways you cut it.. religions fail to understand that jehovah is not the peaceful god that jesus called "father.
In a word.....
we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
elders already know.
Unless you count the contents of the literature. Then it's poop a-plenty!
I stand corrected.
we posted about an announcement it was only local to our cong.
however we have found out that there is going to be an announcement sometime in september and it is supposed to be shocking.
elders already know.
All air and no poop again, if you ask me.
and my parents have been very painfully been intruding into my life from a very jw angle lately and it doesnt help that i work with a buttload of other jws that happen to know my parents and see them fairly regularly...nevermind that they dont bother to tell me that they are coming into town but they tell a whole lot of jws who i happen to work with...i happen to be in a fairly heavily jw emplyd field...language translation.
anyway...make a long story short i sat down in front of my laptop after an excruciating evening of work and this came out of my fingers....i felt like the only place it cud be understood is here..... living in the past.
mind wallowing in self defeat.
Thanks Zanex. I appreciate it. My daughter is very happy. I will send you a copy of the finished work.
Again...your words meant a lot to me.
i have been studing it for years looking for answers....yet for every answer i find there is a counter to it.
the words themselves are twisted by leaders/teachers to fit their personal opinions and adgendas, as well as twisted by trying to rely on our own reasoning to understand them.. a good example would be the way our current system of laws work.. if the supreme court writes a law into the book..say for example.."evil" is anyone who does this....... it is then turned over to a bunch of undereducated enforcers to interpert and judge others they feel are "evil".
they are allowed to accuse and shoot first asking questions later.
The bible is a fairy tale.
last saturday, my fiancee and i went out, and wound up in an indoor flea market walking around.. we went past many many stalls... people were selling any and everything that you could imagine - and that would fit within a cubicle of about 10-feet by 10-feet.
(some were larger, too.).
well, we found one stall that the fella had used books - and he had pretty well organized them by 'topic'.
I remember that one. Thats a long time ago...
i was looking at the news yesterday, and it was reported that new york is having a power outage that is affecting over 50,000 people.
it, also, said that st. louis was going through a power outage as well.
i wonder if there are any posters here affected by it?
I live in the Philippines, and we have the geothermal power plant in our town. We have "brown-outs" almost daily.
Hell, we live by candle-light most of the time.
Greed is the cause.
i have been searching for a copy of graysons abc 1975 to purchase for my own for some time.
i have found exactly 0, anywhere, forsale that is.
i went to rice university and spent about 20 bucks and copied the whole thing (all 300+ pages with plates images in the back).
I'm in for a copy. Let me know if I can help on the cost.
hey y'all,.
how many of you have tattoos, and if so what are they?
what is the meaning, if any, behind them?
Get one. You owe it to yourself.
My wife has two now, and at 45, just had her nose pierced.
and my parents have been very painfully been intruding into my life from a very jw angle lately and it doesnt help that i work with a buttload of other jws that happen to know my parents and see them fairly regularly...nevermind that they dont bother to tell me that they are coming into town but they tell a whole lot of jws who i happen to work with...i happen to be in a fairly heavily jw emplyd field...language translation.
anyway...make a long story short i sat down in front of my laptop after an excruciating evening of work and this came out of my fingers....i felt like the only place it cud be understood is here..... living in the past.
mind wallowing in self defeat.
I was so touched by your poem, that I asked my 13 year old daughter to read it. She knows and understands a bit of my past, and often asks about her grandparents. She was moved to tears. She asked me if she could use your poem for an english project she is working on in school. They have been asked to compile a collection of work of amature poets, and the poems must have some significance in their lives.
With all due respect and honour, may she use it? She will give full credit to you as the author. If you agree, please pm me, and give me the name or pen name you would allow her to use.
Thank you.
Stealth (Steve)