Hi again Matt,
your friend wrote;
"Matt I have no doubt where I am in life or about being a Witness, many religions focus just on Jesus and almost nothing on God, they hide his name, remove it from the bible and try to make him obscure, Witness's teach about both Jesus and Jehovah. Jesus taught people about God, and taught his disciples to teach people about God, most of the bible teaches about God. Doesn't it make sense to do the same? You said Jesus is the door to God, well if a door is going to be useful you have to go through it, not just to it."
There are a number of things to address here,
1) Many religions focus on Just Jesus and almost nothing on God.
Ask your friend how he knows this, has he read other religions material to test the truth ?? indeed is he allowed to read anything besides what the society provide ?? also ask him why the society as the sole channel of God advises members not to read the old literature, truth doesnt change, so, either what they taught then was a lie or what they teach now is a lie.
2)Ask him if its possible to pursue God without being in an organized religion. If he says no , ask him to point this out from the bible??.
3)Jesus did indeed teach about love and his father, and his disciples taught the same, they also taught us not to be led "hither and thither by the doctrines of men" ask him where his doctrine comes from, if he says the bible we can easily produce a long list of questions to show his doctrine does not relate to the bible but in fact is the doctrine of men.
4) If indeed Jesus is just a door question your friend on this 2 Peter 2:1 has a very interesting translation in the NWT ;
NWT "However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves."
Virtually all other translations read in the place of "disown even the owner" - "disown even the Lord" - "Disown even the Master" Master is used in two basic senses 1) in authority and 2) as in Teacher .As one in Authority, master applies to slaveholder and to heads, which in biblical times included slaves and servants.Greek terms translates master are as follows despotes,kyrios,oikodespotes. Ask your friend why the Emphatic diaglott ( brought from the catholic church by the witnesses ) translates it as "sovereign Lord denying" - then the kingdom interlinear translation ( their next attempt at a translation ) translates the original tongue as "Master Denying" however in the english translation column it says the word "Owner" instead of "Master" or "Lord" .the word master is used here to show the effect of an animal licking the masters had etc.Has your friend truly given Jesus his rightful place.
hope this helps
all the very best
Posts by Ade
More to the letter...
by Matt_fs inmy jw friend had wrote me a letter and i explained a little about it here:.
but in his letter he wrote some more and i was wondering what all you thought about it, and see what some of your comments were.
More to the letter...
by Matt_fs inmy jw friend had wrote me a letter and i explained a little about it here:.
but in his letter he wrote some more and i was wondering what all you thought about it, and see what some of your comments were.
Hi Matt,
firstly i will say i will be elongating this letter for you later , but for now a simple point concerning the following;
"well if a door is going to be useful you have to go through it, not just to it." FIRSTLY this is a derogatory statement concerning Jesus - for without Jesus you friend could NOT be saved ( is Jesus just a door , no he's the key as well ) Secondly if you cant find the door properly - because you wont acknowledge its importance , how can you get into the house ??
Jesus has already been given all authority on earth and in heaven, To deny this is to Deny Jesus own words.Point this out and ask your friend if enough time is spent concentrating on Jesus christ during meetings or ask him to identify who catches credit in the prayers at kingdom halls ?? the FDS or Jesus christ ( you will notice all thats said in prayer is , we ask all this in Jesus name - amen.however they will thank the FDS for the food they receive.who is truly being exalted ??? men or Jesus?? ).After all if God Almighty saw fit to exalt Jesus to such a superior position, how can the Jw's claim he was / is just an angel.
As stated earlier as well Je-Ho-Vah is not a real word ask your friend to trace back the origin of the name .
it is simply a widely accepted translation with no evidence of correctness, a closer form would almost definatley be YAHWEH.the new testament states thats followers of Jesus would be NAMED christians, nowhere is it said Jehovah's Witnesses etc and their basis for taking the name is very weak and sunk in the depths of the old testament.
Speak to you later my friend
All the best
Ade -
accept their judgment of others. shunning
by Ade inwhen one disasociates or is disfellowshipped surely the acceptance of the majority to shun from the view of the minority is of a sinful nature.
this dawned on me today when walking home with the kids from school a member of the kingdom hall drove past us and waved ( at the kids - not making eye contact with me ) in fact i saw two members who did the same.
the question that arose in my mind as i strolled home was this, these people are basing their apparent belief i am an apostate on an announcement made from the platform at the kingdom hall, this statement was obviously made by an elder etc.therefore they have all become judges against me without a case - for only the elders know of the conversation i had with them on the day i da'd.
I know i just feel sorry for people who this kind of thing does upset, and possibly drive them to worse things than depression. Being made to feel worthless by people is a serious sin.Its the equivalent of calling someone a despicable fool, basically "worthless / of no value" is what Jesus meant, in this instance this is the way the JW'S have labelled us.
all the best
Ade -
What are you doing aside from talking?
by Sparkplug ini put this under beliefs for i think this gets down to the core of what we each believe is right.
some feel talk is enough and others have that drive that move to right a wrong or participate in changing the world.
don't tell me one person cannot change the world.
i Run a small bible study group from home, bible reading a discussing and studying peoples material.
i put what i can in charity boxes for underprivilaged kids. and discuss God with who i can when i can.
Dont follow politics at all , never have even before i was a witness.
all the best
Ade -
accept their judgment of others. shunning
by Ade inwhen one disasociates or is disfellowshipped surely the acceptance of the majority to shun from the view of the minority is of a sinful nature.
this dawned on me today when walking home with the kids from school a member of the kingdom hall drove past us and waved ( at the kids - not making eye contact with me ) in fact i saw two members who did the same.
the question that arose in my mind as i strolled home was this, these people are basing their apparent belief i am an apostate on an announcement made from the platform at the kingdom hall, this statement was obviously made by an elder etc.therefore they have all become judges against me without a case - for only the elders know of the conversation i had with them on the day i da'd.
When one disasociates or is disfellowshipped surely the acceptance of the majority to shun from the view of the minority is of a sinful nature. This dawned on me today when walking home with the kids from school a member of the kingdom hall drove past us and waved ( at the kids - not making eye contact with me ) in fact i saw two members who did the same.
The question that arose in my mind as i strolled home was this, These people are basing their apparent belief i am an apostate on an announcement made from the platform at the kingdom hall, This statement was obviously made by an elder etc.Therefore they have all become judges against me without a case - for only the elders know of the conversation i had with them on the day i DA'D. This makes me feel that every witness who shuns someone is becoming party basically to gossip, they dont know the reasons for the person being treated the way they are being treated, but they agree and continue to do so .They also have become a judge of the person, however they have judged you without a case, since they havent asked your side of the arguement and also never can as they wont speak to you again.Have lifted theirself up on a pedestal to the level of Jesus/God as your judge.the list could go on and on.
At one time i confronted an elder concerning the scripture this is taken from;
1 Cor 5:9 In my letter I wrote YOU to quit mixing in company with fornicators, 10 not [meaning] entirely with the fornicators of this world or the greedy persons and extortioners or idolaters. Otherwise, YOU would actually have to get out of the world. 11 But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. 12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside? ?Remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves.?
6 Does anyone of YOU that has a case against the other dare to go to court before unrighteous men, and not before the holy ones? 2 Or do YOU not know that the holy ones will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by YOU, are YOU unfit to try very trivial matters? 3 Do YOU not know that we shall judge angels? Why, then, not matters of this life? 4 If, then, YOU do have matters of this life to be tried, is it the men looked down upon in the congregation that YOU put in as judges? 5 I am speaking to move YOU to shame. Is it true that there is not one wise man among YOU that will be able to judge between his brothers, 6 but brother goes to court with brother, and that before unbelievers?
7 Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for YOU that YOU are having lawsuits with one another. Why do YOU not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do YOU not rather let yourselves be defrauded? 8 To the contrary, YOU wrong and defraud, and YOUR brothers at that.My point is that we leave the judging to God, when we start judging we "Become a God" and self righteous.
After i DA'D said to the elder "as i have DA'D myself you can now speak to me" he said "why" i said " i'm not a brother anymore" he couldnt find a way out and left it at that.
Whilst i know this point has been covered before and their behaviour doesnt upset me, I'd really like to get some of them to explain it from the bible.They are willing to ignore you for life possibly because you dont agree with a simple teaching. Does God view us this way, I really cant see it when we consider people such as Cain who slayed his brother, did God ignore him forever, No God infact Let Cain Go out from before him with the Guilt of the matter upon him, but also protected him with a mark so no one would slay him, God showed mercy to the first murderer, if the witnesses were right ( and thats a huge IF )would God never speak to us again because we couldnt comprehend one teaching when he showed mercy to a murderer along with many other serious sinners??
God bless you
Looking forward to comments and examples of this
Ade -
did Jesus give the name of God ???
by Ade injohn 17:6 "i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world.
thine they were,and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word.
onoma : a "name" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name .
Hi Metatron,
exactly as i stated my friend, On'-om-ah
Onoma : A "NAME" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name
showing the authority ( through Jesus ) which God had. Giving an example of Gods power and showing the power Jesus would/Had received through the Almighty.
all the best
Ade -
did Jesus give the name of God ???
by Ade injohn 17:6 "i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world.
thine they were,and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word.
onoma : a "name" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name .
i agree , and too many things point to the fact they are an image of one another, however not the same being. sayings like "let your will be done" would surely be rendered "let my will be done" if Jesus was the Almighty.
All the best
Ade -
did Jesus give the name of God ???
by Ade injohn 17:6 "i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world.
thine they were,and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word.
onoma : a "name" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name .
Hi Sinis,
i appreciate your thoughts although i do not necessarily agree with them, after reading this portion of scripture more carefully it seems to cover in 17:10 that all Gods things are Jesus's and vice versa, placing them on an equal plane. which is hard for me to accept as ive never believed in a trinity type scenario
then there is also as Narkissos rightfully pointed out 17:11 " protect them in YOUR name that you have GIVEN ME"
Which again seems to indicate that Jesus has been given/has GODS name.
again pointing to the fact they are literally one and the same.
This is a difficulty for me as i stated i have never believed in a trinity, or is that is whats being stated here.
God bless you all
Ade -
did Jesus give the name of God ???
by Ade injohn 17:6 "i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world.
thine they were,and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word.
onoma : a "name" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name .
Hi Narkissos;
Would you care to expand your answer my friend
all the best
Ade -
did Jesus give the name of God ???
by Ade injohn 17:6 "i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world.
thine they were,and thou gavest them me, and they have kept thy word.
onoma : a "name" ( literally or figuratively ),( authority / character ) -called (sur)name .
Hi Sinis,
I appreciate your answer but it doesnt really answer the question my friend, i want to know if Jesus named anyone. I'd be interested in your answer as to who is the True God though .
all the best