JoinedTopics Started by confusa
My Bethel Experience Part 11
by new boy inmore about cars and n.y.c.. back then hundreds of cars were stolen, in the city everyday!
the new york post said "the average life span of a corvette (sports car) parked on the street was 24 hours!
" time coming back from r.i at 2:00 a.m. i took a wrong turn in the south bronxs.........not a place you would want to be in, that time of i was driving around trying to find my way back to the express way, i could see the sparks form the cuting torches, people cuting up the cars they stolen the day before..........i was praying "please god get me out of here".
Starting my story...very long
by Synergy in[the watchtower, july 15, 1961 issue, page 420: .
[the watchtower, july 1, 1963 issue, page 413: .
[the watchtower, july 15, 1974 issue, page 442: .
My Bethel Experience part 7
by new boy inpeople would ask me "how long do you plan on staying at bethel" i would say "forever!.....or 4 years which ever comes first" .
besides the about 48 hours you worked there a week, you would have other duties too.
there was dish duties.
another Elder's Meeting memory...
by sibboleth inanother story that i'd like to share.
however, since he is a pioneer - maybe he should be the service overseer and br.
superfine is not doing things still ?
My Bethel Experience Part 6
by new boy ini 'm sorry all of this is not in order.............i'm writing as all this comes back to me.. my first room assignment was room 33 in the 129 was and old building, built around the turn of the century,...the society owned it but it had worldly people in to.......i'm not sure why but maybe there was a law that provented them from being kicked out or something.
it was a 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment (about 1000 sq.
ft.) there were 7 of us in there, all new boys ( less then one year there).
New Boy: My Experience in Bethel Part 5
by confusa inhas anyone heard of new boy today.
he said he would give us part 5 of his story today sunday.
have i missed it?
I feel bad about being a part of this...
by sibboleth inseveral years ago, approx 1995, i was a newbie elder - age 29 and was just doing the "yes man" duties around the hall.
there was the overbearing po who was the "king" of the congo and whatever he said was gospel... if he didn't like you - you were history... needless to say - i kissed his butt and moved up the ladder quite easily.
we had another newbie elder - in his late 40's - and he was a smart man.
A blood question??
by Junction-Guy ini just read something from another post on here, and im stumped.
i dont know the jw response.-------the question is, what does the wt society teach about children and babies who receive blood transfusions?
is it taught they will be judged adversely by god?
My Bethel Experience part 4
by new boy inblack thursday september 1972. knorr gathered all the bethel "heavies" and gb to the kh in the 119 building.
the three freds (circuit overseers).............and about 50 brothers.....thats right only 50. the other guys chickened out, they knew it was going to be a blood bath.
i was there with 7 others from the launrdy............... it started out with dan smoally (not even 30 years old and partaking) telling about what max larson (head of the whole factory) told him "there was no way he was one of the anointed!
Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??
by Seeker4 ini'm talking about the new posters, like kitten whiskers, who started posting today (hope this works:
and it seems like we're getting a few like this nearly every day.
people who were raised jws, really worry that they are doing the right thing in leaving, yet who have been made to feel not good enough by the wts, who felt they never measured up, who struggled with it, but came to realize that what they'd been brought up to believe was just not the truth.. the same stories are told over and over again, and they come from sincere, good people - not whiny, fault-finding apostates like the rest of us riffraff around here!