See BOE letter 7/20/98, page 2. I dont have a link but someone else I am sure will have. Whether or not this still holds 8 years later, I dont know.
JoinedPosts by Hoping4Change
remarriage after divorce
by luffy indoes anyone know if after divorcing a spouse for reasons other than adultery, although adultery may be suspected, if i would be free to marry a witness if my ex spouse was in a relationship or remarried someone else after the divorce..ive heard different versions and am not sure
Why 1914, 1925, 1975? Why so many supreme court case victories?
by truth_about_the_truth inthis excerpt from the 800 page expose "be wise as serpents" reveals this:.
jehovah's witnesses.
the masonic goal was to get prayer, the pledge of allegiance, and religious trappings out of.
Here it is:
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-17-06 WT Study (BE HAPPY)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 09-17-06 wt study (august 1, 2006, pages 26-29)(be happy).
(1 timothy 2:5) for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, a man, christ jesus?.
despite his busy schedule, paul was always eager to do more in jehovah?s service.. notice how using an ot example leaves jesus out of the picture.. [picture on page 29] fear of god is a precious heritage that parents can pass on to their children.
Is this bit about re-instatement:
"What are the WTS requirements for reinstatement? 1) turning in a letter to a member of the judicial committee not any sooner than 6 months (what scripture is that?) 2) coming to all the meetings and sitting alone, in silence, not talking to anyone before or after the meeting and away from the meetings 3) quitting the offending behavior 4) doing all this for at least 1 year but based on the "sin" the elders may withhold forgiveness for years"
a hard set of rules for re-instatement that is in a publication somewhere, or do re-instatement rules vary from place to place
Sophistry LessonsJW Baptismal Prerequisites
by AuldSoul in(definition).
in this thread we will examine chapter 18 of the book what does the bible really teach?, entitled baptism and your relationship with god.. .
is there any scripture provided to support the statement?
AS - thanks for the reply; that is what I would have expected. The arrogance behind their beliefs/practices is the #2 reason I have real problems with this regious group (#1 being their un-loving, un-Christian application of shunning)
Sophistry LessonsJW Baptismal Prerequisites
by AuldSoul in(definition).
in this thread we will examine chapter 18 of the book what does the bible really teach?, entitled baptism and your relationship with god.. .
is there any scripture provided to support the statement?
A slightly tangential question - How do JW's view baptism that was performed by another church?
Circuit Assembly
by frozen one ini chatted with relatives today and mentioned i might be in their area next weekend so i'd stop by for a visit.
turns out they will be at the circuit assembly, a 2 dayer.
seems like they just got back from the district todo.
Juni - Yes, thanks for the response. Just as an fyi, I am neither a JW (past or present) or DF/DA. Just someone with connections to some who are.
The reason behind shunning
by JH inwhen you think about it, when the elders disfellowship and then shun a person, it's to make an impact on the active ones still going to the meetings, rather than the df'd one.. they elders couldn't care less about the one who has been disfellowshipped.
that person is dead to their eyes.. the reason they make this so terrible, is a warning to the ones still active, not to try this.. some kind of blackmail, intended to the active ones.. .
Has anyone ever done a "point by point" critique of the "official stance" on shunning as it is outlined here:
Circuit Assembly
by frozen one ini chatted with relatives today and mentioned i might be in their area next weekend so i'd stop by for a visit.
turns out they will be at the circuit assembly, a 2 dayer.
seems like they just got back from the district todo.
Can non-jws, DA/DF ones goto a Circuit Assembly?
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
(a bit off topic - but comments about the discussion that were striking me) Wouldnt it be nice if these kinds of debates/discussions could actually occured WITHIN the organization without fear of reproval, disfellowshipping, shunning, loss of family, etc? So that all who were indeed seeking "the truth" could make up their own minds rather than being threatened if they didnt agree with the 'spititual food' being offered? To be "as brothers in Christ" and not divided over things such as 607/587, perousia, cross/stake, etc....? Didnt Paul scorn the churches of his time for quibbling over things rather than focusing on Christ? Without taking sides on the subject of this board, I hope that jw-apologists here enjoy the liberty and freedom to debate on this board that does not exist (to my knowledge and have yet to see) within the organization. My understanding (and it appears to be many's testimony) is that such debate and holding different view points not only is frowned upon within the organization, but is good enough to get one kicked out and have family members threatened with the same thing if they dont stop associating with the one asking questions For anyone who would be honestly "seeking the truth" of matters in this world, it seems to me the first red flag against anyone or any group would be the inhibiting, stifling, and coercison against such searching and growing. WTBTS to date - strike one, no matter the what faults or how false other religions of the world may have/be.
The Gentiles Times Reconsidered--Again but this Time By Using the Bible
by thirdwitness inthink about this: if seven times mean only 7 years then daniel could have simply said 7 years.
why does daniel specifically use the word 'times' rather than years?
as we have already shown daniel used the word for 7 times instead of 7 years.
3W - Thanks for the clarification.
Just so I understand then, it is this piece of history (""Amazingly secular history agrees that 539 was the year Babylon was conquered ") that is generally agreed upon by everyone, i.e, both sides of the debate? Another way of asking is, if I were to begin researching this from all available sources, then 539 B.C for the conquering of Babylon is the one "generally accepted fact" from which I should begin my own search? Also, can someone, anyone, briefly explain why this 539 date is so well regarded (i.e what are the sources for establishing this date with this event. Thanks, I truly am trying to understand and follow.