Perhaps this has been asked elsewhere (as a matter of fact I believe it has), but it is worth asking again - Outside the Jehovah's Witnesses (or their apologists), are there any historians, archealogists, religious leaders or ANYONE who says: 1) 607 is the correct date and/or 2) The actual date is something other than the commonly accepted date of 587 (+/- a few years)?
I love great conspiracy theories and would LOVE for centuries of claims re: 587 be shown, to a high degree of certainty with sufficient evidence, to be incorrect. Just imagine how it must have felt when people first started realizing that the Earth was not the center of the universe, or that it wasnt flat.
However, no one seems to have been able to step up and show 587 (+/- a few years) to be incorrect. I am open to REAL evidence and clearly produced reasoning on the matter. It'd be great to see all the history books and encyclopedias have to be re-written just for the sake of advancing knowledge, yet this seems unlikely to happen in the light of the mountains of evidence suggesting that historians have it correct. It appears as though EVEN THE BIBLE supports the historians claims (if I read things correctly).