to Simon:
"Fine, if the Witnesses aren't the truth, then show me the better answer and I'll consider it" ... "Try to top everlasting life.." etc.
Here is the trouble with that thinking. (And please don't take offense, because I'm not really good at typing what I mean with the right inflections, etc.) "Better answer' - "everlasting life" - it is all about "I am a Christian / JW/ Bhuddist <<insert religion here>> because of what I am going to GET."
As an ex-JW and now a Christian ... I stopped having a relationship with God because of what I am going to get. It seems so weird that I go back to think about that pet panda now and shake my head.
There is no "better" or "worse" answer .. in fact why does there have to be an "answer" that you are selling to anyone, anyway? Instead of saying "there are no good answers" it is "There are no good answers right now." Life is an adventure of learning and seeing what is beyond the next corner.
Sadness and lonliness is a step from leaving JWs. It does feel like "going away." Many is the night and day I spent crying over it. But, honestly, it is the first step towards going toward Jesus. You might not believe in Him right now, and I can understand that. But be assured that He believes in you.
You say you "would like to believe" ... and you want to see something unmistakeable. Problem is, how will you know what it is when you see it? People saw the Lord Jesus in front of them, ressurecting dead people, and they didn't see it. If you want to believe, then read the Bible book of John. Think about it. Ask God (and you can add "if You exist") in your prayer to speak to you. Tell Him point blank that you don't believe, that you don't see why there is all this crap in the world. And then listen.... Prayer can do what you cannot do, but it is not the way you might expect. You can do what your babies cannot, but when they expect you to hand them a Mercedes Benz ... it ain't happening!!
Yes, there is suffering in this world. There is poverty. There are people with mental disorders and emotional disorders. I think they are all here to teach us about life. Is God going to be Santa Claus and just magically fix it all? Define fixed.... Is it to be rich like Bill Gates? There are poor people happier than him, because they know something that is more important than money. Is it not to be in mental torment because of a bad upbringing? Jesus can take that torment away and replace it. And also help you to grow from it. There are people who have never had a clue what mental and emotional illness is, and seldom do they reach a hand to a sufferer in understanding. We support each other with "I've been there, I've done it."
No, I don't have faith in unseen things. I see Jesus in the people around me, in my heart. I don't care if I am going to a better place or nowhere at all. I'd like scores to be settled as much as the next guy, but I accept that I don't know enough to be able to step out and tell anyone how to settle the score. Is Jesus looking after me in my day to day life? Sure - He walks with me, He dwells in my heart. Can bad stuff still happen to me? Can it get so hard that I just don't think I can go on? Do I live a charmed and wonderful life because I have Jesus? I promise, bad stuff still happens.
Will I call you tomorrow, or come to your house? I don't know.... But Jesus will ... He's knocking right now. He doesn't recommend a group. He recommends Himself. The group, if you so choose, is a side thing. They will be human - they will not be right all of the time. And its OK - and you get to disagree with them without penalty. How cool is that?