Topics Started by Lease
What has happened in JW land in 7 years
by Lease ini have been out for 10 years.
barely in the last 3 before that.
i do not speak to any jw's.
How can i make my cat drink?
by highdose inits the height of the summer here and i think my eldery cat is not drinking enough.
his urine smells strong like human patients that i used to work with did when they hadn't drunk enough.. hes got fresh water down all the time, but hes not touching it?.
Are you single and looking? Or Do you consider yourself to be available?
by Scott77 inare you single and looking for a soul mate?
or do you consider yourself to be available?
please, declare on this thread..
What's your Favorite TV show of all time?
by serenitynow! inif you can't tell from my username, i am a seinfeld fan.
seinfeld is the best show ever!
law and order is second.. jada.
What is Truth?
by AK - Jeff inif one 'googles' the phrase, you get 167,000,000 hits!.
'bing' it, and you get 129,000,000 hits.. here is a sampling of opinion from just the first page of google hits.. 1] douglas groothuis, ph.d., teaches philosophy at denver seminary.
here is his 'take' on truth:
I have changed sides
by AK - Jeff inalmost imperceptible over time in some areas.. almost everything i ever believed, i have proven to be false.
almost every bit of my deep seated faith is uprooted by reason.. i am not bitter.
but i am quite reflective these days of how much i have changed.
got jokes?
by brainwashed-from-birth inanyone want to share any new jokes with me .
plus i think it might be a fun thread to read.
ill start:.
by AggieNostic infirst new topic for me.. i have observed this site for about 4 years.
haven't been to a meeting since oct 2005. definitely feel jws are a high control group that mirrors many of the definitions of a cult.. i was raised as a witness since age 5, left at age 38, now 43. happily married to a wonderful woman for 24 years, except for 1 year of separation when i was failing miserable in a search for my true self - hard to do when you were completely sucked into this religion.
yes, i was a true believer pretty much up into my late 30s.
by AggieNostic infirst new topic for me.. i have observed this site for about 4 years.
haven't been to a meeting since oct 2005. definitely feel jws are a high control group that mirrors many of the definitions of a cult.. i was raised as a witness since age 5, left at age 38, now 43. happily married to a wonderful woman for 24 years, except for 1 year of separation when i was failing miserable in a search for my true self - hard to do when you were completely sucked into this religion.
yes, i was a true believer pretty much up into my late 30s.
Many advices are needed! No prudes are allowed here, please. Thank you!
by asilentone inwell, let me tell you about my experience in dating a married woman about a year ago or so, i was dating a married woman, she did not tell me that she was married, but i found about it and i told her that i know that she is married, then she decided not to see me.
she is really hot.
well recently, i learned that my recent date is actually married, but she is also really hot, should i keep my mouth shut not telling her that i know that she is married, so i can keep the relationship with her, i would not mind because i really like her..