I had to appear before a jc years ago (though i didn't tell them everything i'd been doing!) but they decided i was repentant enough to remain a witness - i really wish they'd gone ahead and disfellowshipped me then now though then i would'nt have wasted another 10 yrs in it!
Posts by dobbie
Question about JC's...
by Justice-One inthere are three cult leaders (opps, i mean elders) on the jc, right?
does it take a majority or all three to agree to df you?.
can anyone give the outline on the standard jc?
JW start out early making you feel guilty
by MsMcDucket ini remember when they wouldn't give me the kingdom ministry because i wasn't an approved associate/publisher/baptised.
i started thinking god everybody knows that i am not good enough for jehovah.
if i had of only known then what i know now, i wouldn't have fell for it.
I always used to feel guilty at the book study if i did'nt answer.It would be the same 'clever' ones answering and i would feel some of them look my way and anyone elses who hadn't answered near the end - i used to waste hours in the end just trying to prepare an answer they'd think good enough - in the end my nerves used to get so bad i stopped going altogether.Having to wait my turn to read the bible scriptures was an ordeal by that time as well , but you had to do it whether you wanted to or not. I used to have to try and cover my mags and books too if i hadnt underlined them so they could'nt see and look down on me - some of them just don't realise what its like trying to study with youngsters running around your feet!
Who else would never accept to go to a Judicial Committee?
by JH ini was never df'd.
if ever the elders asked me to attend a judicial committee for some reason, i would refuse.
i would never accept to go to their kangaroo court.
They can also say you've disassociated yourself by your actions as well, apparently they say i did this by cancelling my magazines but since its been two months and no announcement yet i decided to save them the bother!
I know the feeling, a jw lives next door to me, and he is moving out soon to be replaced by three of them!Also my son has FOUR other jws in his school class which means i have to be in close proximity twice a day with them, or the jw grandparents etc. They would have got my d'a letter today and it would be so much easier if i didn't feel surrounded by them all! My husband says to hold my head up and just think that its them with the problem, but thats easy for him to say cos he won't be going through it!lol! Hugs to you cos it i had 5 jw families on my street i think i'd go looopy!
Who else would never accept to go to a Judicial Committee?
by JH ini was never df'd.
if ever the elders asked me to attend a judicial committee for some reason, i would refuse.
i would never accept to go to their kangaroo court.
I've just posted my d'a letter and waiting for their reaction(if any!), i wanted to get in there and do it first because there is no way i am going to be made to feel even more like dirt than i do already. I've been to one before years ago and it was horrible, i only got through it cos i got upset and apologised, not that it was their business anyway. So i decided that as it was bound to happen as i am determined to celebrate xmas this year etc, i'd get in there first. There's no point trying to talk to them as they will only see the WT side and i will NOT have them bring my childrens lives into it again!If they do try to meet i will just say i've made my mind up and won't discuss it further, then finish the conversation.
Sparkplug is in surgery now
by hambeak ini called the hospital a few minutes ago and sparky is currently in surgery.
i am going to by on my way home from work and say hi.
should i bring some flowers?
get well soon sparkplug hugs to you x
Finally posted my d'a letter today
by dobbie ini wrote my d'a letter several weeks ago, then my husband talked me out of posting it.
however, with xmas coming up i didn't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time when xmas shopping, in case a dub was about, and that if it comes to it, i'd rather d'a myself than have them'kick' me out for whatever reason they can find.plus i'm fed up with waiting for the axe to fall and i just want some closure on all this.
the only reason i have given them for my leaving is that i know i would give my children blood if the need arose so don't see the point in going to meetings and pretending, when god knows how i feel anyway.
Narkissos - i'm not expecting them to get in touch with me as i have already had a run in with an elder a couple of months ago, also another one contacted my husband after that and wanted to come round, but said that I did'nt have to see or speak to him and one of them told someone that as i had cancelled my mags that was seen as an act of disassociating myself, so i have been v surprised they haven't announced anything since then. If they do contact me i will just say that i don't wish to discuss it further (cos i know they can only see the wts society side so its a waste of time) and walk away (and hope they get the hint!lol!
Linda - thanks, my husband does know what they really are like, but his mother (who has nothing to do with him anyway) and family on that side are all jws and he knows she'd cut him out, but also hes very scared of everything and body and hates the slightest confrontation so although he did originally say he was leaving also, he now says the opposite, although he doesnt go to meetings.He did say though that he wanted to wait and see what 'reaction' i get from them all - charming!
Juni - that's exactly how i feel about it - i don't want them to bother me with this, there's no WAY i'm going to change and go back knowing what i do now.
Shunned by an old friend
by fullofdoubtnow inin all the years i was a jw, although i had many acquaintances, i only had 3 really close friends.
two of them are no longer jws.
one is trev, who is obviously a lot more than a friend to me now, and my friend marion left the wts a few months ago, with a lot of encouragement from me.. my other friend is still very much a jw, and when i was announced as no longer a jw last year, she phoned me to tell me how very upset and disappointed she was.
Linda so sorry you had to go through that, how upsetting for you.My best mate and i met at school when we were 12 and i became a jw 7 yrs later.I was shocked when she told me recently that she wouldn't speak to me if i d'ad, Because she did'nt tell me she was a jw for 6 yrsin case i didn't want to know her after finding out!I've always been there for her and thought we were friends for life. I'm sure they don't want to act that way but they've been 'programmed' by the wts t o do it automatically and out of fear they do it, but i bet they feel every bit as bad as the one on the receiving end(at least, i hope so anyway).So glad you've got your partner and mate to support you , hold your head up girl cos they're just totally screwed up and trapped, its so sad, you've got a lovely life ahead of you and they're stuck in kingdumb land !Hugs to you Debbiex
Thoughts and hugs for you Codeblue
Finally posted my d'a letter today
by dobbie ini wrote my d'a letter several weeks ago, then my husband talked me out of posting it.
however, with xmas coming up i didn't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time when xmas shopping, in case a dub was about, and that if it comes to it, i'd rather d'a myself than have them'kick' me out for whatever reason they can find.plus i'm fed up with waiting for the axe to fall and i just want some closure on all this.
the only reason i have given them for my leaving is that i know i would give my children blood if the need arose so don't see the point in going to meetings and pretending, when god knows how i feel anyway.
I wrote my d'a letter several weeks ago, then my husband talked me out of posting it. However, with xmas coming up i didn't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time when xmas shopping, in case a dub was about, and that if it comes to it, i'd rather d'a myself than have them'kick' me out for whatever reason they can find.Plus i'm fed up with waiting for the axe to fall and i just want some closure on all this. The only reason i have given them for my leaving is that i know i would give my children blood if the need arose so don't see the point in going to meetings and pretending, when God knows how i feel anyway. I also said that i was sad re shunning that would happen as i care for many in the congregation, and also not to bother contacting me as i didn't want to discuss it further. I haven't told them about crisis of consc. book or this website(lol) because i know what would happen - i would be held up as an example to the rest of the congregation for the next 20 yrs, 'don't go on websites look at what happened to her' etc. Anyway just wanted to thank you all here because you all give tremendous advice and support and just want you all to know how valued you all are. Just wish i could drag hubby out but he's too scared. Guess when the jws at my sons school start ignoring me and my next door neighbour etc i will know they've announced it!