JoinedTopics Started by tsar_robles
Should I quit my job?
by tsar_robles incc: my supervisor, our manager, our vicepresident.
guy that didn't show up:.
guy that didn't show up.
jw son disowned & disinherited
by tsar_robles inmy dad who is already 60 something is thinking about disowning/disinheriting my brother.
he loves him dearly and has for some years tried to understand and justify his lack of 'natural affection' towards both him and mom despite them not being jw's.
for example, our mom lives in the same town we do and yet he would not visit her for all 2009. my dad lives 20 hrs away and has lots of trouble making ends meet with his part time job and my step mom's ss check.
Hospitality experiences during public talk trips
by tsar_robles ina couple days ago i started having these flashbacks of back in the day when i was 17 or so and was a frequent outgoing public speaker.
believe it or not back then i was so naive in the fullest sense of the word, and none of the signs that i encountered then kicked in until years later.. i obviously could go on and on about the impressions and demeanor that i received from the big shots (elders, ms's) from these halls.
a couple that i remember were for ex., one time while visiting a congregation in southwest co i politely waited around to see if any of the elders or a head of a house hold would approach me and invite me for hospitality and tired of waiting around i decided to make that 5 hour solo trip back home.
has anyone ever had a bronchoscopy?
by tsar_robles ini just did a week ago and slowly recovering.
i had biopsies done along with a lavage... i've visited the er twice in the past 4 days for chest pain and suffocation... yet all ct scans and vitals are ok. .
i am fine as long as i am resting but as soon as i do light activities i quickly get fatigued and when i've continued then chest pressure develops and i end up in the er.... my pulmonologist doesnt know why... any experiences welcome.
MJ's kids spotted entering a KH
by tsar_robles injacko's kids: let us prayposted jul 15th 2009 2:40am by tmz staff.
a week after speaking at her father's memorial, paris jackson (left) with older brother michael jr. (right) were spotted entering a jehovah's witness kingdom hall on tuesday.. .
The Tale of Desperaux's Mouse Council = Body of Elders...
by tsar_robles inlol... has any one seen this film, or at least the following scene?.
despereaux a tiny mouse with enormously large ears is born.
mouse dad: "we need to tell them, we need to tell the mouse council".
What do you think about this letter to the JC???
by tsar_robles inhi guys and gals... you've probably read my earlier post regarding the prodigal son question and how the jc sent me packing... well, after talking with a good friend of mine i decided to move a new cong.
where the elders have known me for many years and actually appreciate me as a person... at first i was planning on handing this letter in person so i went but their meeting time had changed so i called one of the elders in my reinstatement jc and asked him for the meeting days but he said 'it would be better if i mailed it' to which i replied 'do you just not want me around your congregation, is that it?
he said again it would just be better to mail it again and left it at that.
Question about Prodigal Son parable
by tsar_robles inwell, after much thought put into it i decided to send a letter requesting reinstatement.
i met with the jc and tried to reason with them on the prodigal son parable... how the father in this parable did not put his son through a waiting or probationary period, etc but rather embraced him on the spot... their answer was that the 'walk' to his father's home represents meeting attendance... in other words, the 'works' that befit repentance... any ideas???.
i reminded them that in the last 3 years i've attempted to attend the meetings and yet the anxiety that developed brought me tangible unknown illnesses and symptoms that were unbearable and thus had to stop attending... i was told that i had to find a way to make meetings though; that i'd not die because of that.... i was asked how long did i attend meetings in my last attempt and i said about 4 months... "well, that's about 48 meetings... so say you went to 30 meetings..." i said: "no, i hardly missed any meetings and when i did i made sure the p.0.
nasty email to my coworker ala 'watchtower comments'
by tsar_robles inhey everyone,.
i've allowed this guy at work to make my life miserable for the past two years.... he is totally the opposite of a team player; and he's always sending emails to our boss trying to show off.
well, today i replied to one of his latest emails and included everyone in the reply but i replied to him ala 'watchtower comments' ... lol.