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Posts by dmouse
Where is that again?
by The salmon ini read on the site somehere of an ex elder who chopped himself at the end of his public talk.
i think he was from the uk and he posted both the outline and the actual sound from it.
anyone got it so they can repost?.
New to the board
by KICKED OUT ini am 26 , i was baptised at 12 (way to young to make that choice) df'd at 13, reproved at 16, and then finnally df'd for good at 19. i have been forced to leave behind my family and friends, but other than that have never been happier.
i just found this board and i am very happy i have, it is great councelling, and look forward to many great discussions.
thanks in advance!!!
Smoking ciggarettes, vandalizing, oral sex, masturbation, r rated movies, and drinking...
At 13? Jeez, I didn't start that stuff till I was 42!
Anyway, welcome K.O.
Ok so this is it
by The salmon inive been "in the truth" ever since i was 6 years old when my mother was baptised in the late 70`s.
so i sort of got dragged along to the meetings and therin started the indoctrination that was to prove to be my undoing.
ive been reading this page for a while now and read some very slick posts from dissillusioned ex members.
Don't forget, JWs are like double-glazing salesmen. Even though you know you don't want double glazing they can convince you that you do. To them, all your doubts and certainties that they are wrong are invalid - you leave because you want to live a worldly life.
Anyway, enjoy the feeling of being in fresh waters!
by Crumpet inits getting frighteningly windy here.
at the moment it is between 50 and 60mph but for rush hour in two hours time it is predicted to get up to 80mph gusts here.. outside one of my director's has just had a branch blow into his jaguar rear screen smashing it.
our 20 story building a few doors away is beuing evacuated because sheets of glass are blowing in!.
I work in an ex-airfield building which is designed to be bomb-proof. I didn't know about the storm until I looked out of the window and saw a tree right outside being uprooted!
Then, when I got home I found our fence was blown down too, damn!
Jeez Crumpet, you should really be at home nibbling something other than cookies! (wishing I was 20 years younger) :-(
To live to be 100, think about this?
by free2beme inlast week we had a birthday party for my friends great grandfather, he turned the big 100. he is living with his children, and has his own room and actually does pretty good for someone of 100. he can talk to you, remembers things, but he has his moments ... he is 100. we were all talking about the way the world has changed for this man, in 100 years.
he was born in a time, when cars were not common and only the superweathly had them.. ww1 and ww2 had not happened yet.. the titanic was not built, and had not sunk.. there were still many thousands of veterans alive from the civil war.. computers started to get popular in his 70's.. he lived through the great depression in his 30's.. ... so many more.
so i was thinking, if you were to live to be 100, what things would you reflex on as major changes in events.
The biggest technological changes in my life so far has to be computers and mobile phones.
Attitudes have also changed - no one bats an eyelid now about 'living in sin', or being heavily in debt, or men being 'house husbands'. I laugh at my granddads old cine films when, in the fifties, the men wore shirt and tie for a visit to the beach!
When I was a child it was ok for a teacher to physically punish you, and standards of behavior were extremely high in schools. Now teachers have little or no meaningful sanctions for mis-behaving children, consequently there is no respect for authority in schools now - violence, appalling behavior and lack of learning the basics is endemic in our schools.
As for the future, in the UK I expect higher taxes (disguised as 'green' measures), new stealth taxes, more crime, less justice, less privacy (everything you do will be watched), fewer freedoms ( my favourite line from Demolition Man - 'Salt is bad for you, therefore it is illegal'), illiterate and violent school-leavers, incompetence on a breath-taking scale from the government agencies etc. On the plus side traffic congestion will ease as the poor are priced off the road.
On the technological front I believe we are just entering a time of wonder - I expect in my lifetime that a cure will be found for the majority of diseases, our average life expectancy will approach 100 while the first person to reach 150 years old has probably already been born. Computers will become so sophisticated you won't be able to tell it apart from a human.
Hopefully television will be replaced, first by 3D, then something like the holo-suites on Star-Trek.
But the most keenly anticipated technological advance, from my point of view, is the invention of an android that can do my ironing!
'Happy Feet'
by dmouse inwhen my brother suggested we watch the new film 'happy feet' i inwardly groaned - i'm getting tired of anthropomorphic cgi films with their cute identical characters.
i'm surprised to say though that i really enjoyed this film - it wasn't what i expected.
the reviews put me off, a film about singing, dancing penguins?
When my brother suggested we watch the new film 'Happy Feet' I inwardly groaned - I'm getting tired of anthropomorphic CGI films with their cute identical characters. I'm surprised to say though that I really enjoyed this film - it wasn't what I expected. The reviews put me off, a film about singing, dancing penguins? Please!
However, it was different enough, and the humour sophisticated enough, to keep me quite enthralled all the way through. OK, so the basic premise that the penguins are only considered worth saving because one of them can tap-dance, and the simplistic 'feel-good' ending are a bit of a let-down. BUT, there is a anti-cult sub-text that, given my history, I found quite interesting. The hero of the story is born 'different' in that he can dance, but not sing. As long as he hides his difference everyone tolerates him. But as soon as he starts to celebrate his difference the 'Elders' are called in and they recommend he is shunned, banished. Even his father can't bring himself to support his own son in the face of the cult's demands and beliefs.
The scene where 'Dave' is told by his own father that he was born 'wrong' and not 'penguiny' and there was something fundementally unacceptable about him, even though 'Dave' was quite happy and just wanted to dance was quite stomach-churning, as I imagined many 'bible-belters' in the real world saying the same thing to their 'gay' children.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I quite enjoyed it (except the bit where the seal suddenly shot out the sea, it made me spill my coke!)
Anyone else seen it?
"Armageddon Not Coming, JW's 1995"
by Fatfreek ini tried to paste the entire table but i can't use ie -- i use firefox and xinha.
it still didn't work.
however, here's the link.
I like the end-time humour in this site:
Harry Potter? Are witnesses told not to read it????
by annalice ini have not been to a meeting for some years now so i would not know if it has been said ,but have the witnesses actually been told straight out not to read the harry potter books?
i ask this because my in-laws have seen me reading them and now think i am into evil stuff because i have them .
so is it just them or is this what is now taught in the orginization?
Soon after Harry Potter became very famous the Watchtower came out with a thinly veiled attack on the film/book type:
October 15th 2002, page 11.Watchtower:
Another of Satan's snares is disguised occultism. No true Christian would dabble in Satanism or spiritism. Yet, some unwittingly let their guard down when it comes to films, TV series, video games, and even children's books and comics that highlight violence or uncanny practices. Anything that smacks of the occult needs to be kept at a distance. Since Satan is ‘the god of this system of things,’ anything that is very popular could possibly hide one of his traps.
by fullofdoubtnow init's just turned midnight here in the uk, so happy new year everybody!!!!.
may all your dreams come true in 2007!!!.
Happy New Year to all!!! Yeah, those fireworks were awesome!
Angelic DNA
by Woodsman inin considering the wts beliefs about the angels who came down and had sex with women, producing offspring i began to wonder.
this would mean that angels have the abilility to create a human life without god's help.
both by creating a human body and taking possesion of it and by then using that body to create offspring.. this whole business of materializing is suspicious.
Several answers come to mind...
1. Perhaps the angels are created to be able to exist in two forms - physical and spiritual. The bible speaks of Jesus, in physical form, as being 'a little lower than angels' so an angel in physical form would be similer enough for their DNA to be compatible with humans. (subject to the 'zorse' effect).
2. The fallen angels must have known God would be pissed try something, and Noah's preaching was a dead givaway as to the method. Why didn't they press-gang a bunch of humans to build them a boat, just in case?
3. It's just a fairy story, written by ancient people with no knowledge of DNA.