As a JW, God was so real, He WAS there. I talked to Him, and He answered.
Then, my eyes were opened and God disappeared in a puff of logic. JW beliefs are obviously untrue…the evidence is irrefutable.
Where are You? It is suddenly cold and dark. I am confused. There is no guidance I can trust…men give me their opinions…lies!
I was going to live forever! All the problems in the world were going to be solved.
Then, suddenly, nothing. It was all an illusion. I am going to die. Shit.
Worse…people are going to continue to suffer…no escape…no release except death. Oh hell. I look on in mounting empathy, I cannot bear it. God is not there! Those poor souls! I can do nothing to alleviate their pain. The suffering I perceive occurring in the human race in my extremely limited human form is so overwhelming that I suffer a nervous breakdown.
I cry myself to sleep night after night.
Where are You?
I am naked, in pain, crying. I cry out once more…
Where are You?
But there is nothing…only the screams of millions of suffering souls in my head.
Believers…of all faiths…they try to tell me…but their words are empty. They believe, as I used to. But ask them to give proof, evidence, the merest hint that God exists and all they offer is human reasoning for His silence.
For that is the one single thing that destroys faith…the silence of God.
Where are You?
The bible…human writings. Interpret it how you will, every thought a human can conceive is in there. Whatever you want to believe, there is a scripture to support it.
Another child dies for want of food. Another person dies in agony from disease. Another parent suffers the immeasurable grief of losing a child. Another…another…another…another. More suffering in one day than a human can comprehend, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium…oh God is more than I can bear.
Where are You? (Only Silence)
Please, God, help me. I cannot stand being alone. I need You…
Who would CHOSE to be like this? With no hope?
Please…where are You…