I love those crazy Russians.
I remember once hearing that NASA spent a million dollars developing a pen that worked in zero gravity for their space project. The Russians? They just took a pencil!
i guess you know who invened television.
a russian who later went to work for rca.
btw i studied at the rca institutes.
I love those crazy Russians.
I remember once hearing that NASA spent a million dollars developing a pen that worked in zero gravity for their space project. The Russians? They just took a pencil!
i've posted a similiar subject before , but read yesturday that scientologists in france were sued for fraudulent preaching methods by the government (the article did not state what the fraud was) and fined.
the scientologist complained and said they were just practising their religion.. i love those french, they see straight through dodgy religions.. so should we try and sue the society , for say withholding vital information to new members about their past and other such things, and not being open and honest about what happens when you leave.?.
prehaps the french can try it first.
Bon Jour Sleepy!
How was the holiday in France? Did you see any French JWs?
this morning i told my wife about my decision to step down as a ms and that i also would'nt be attending any meetings.
she made a few comments that i expected her to make, but strangely enough she was for the most part very silent.
she made it clear that she was against the decision but outside of a few other comments she said very little.
Congratulations Leander, you've done the right thing. But that doesn't mean things will get any easier, at least in the short term. Your wife WILL be hurting, and may be suspicious of your motives. Try to understand that she wants only the best for you. In her eyes, and the elders', you have given up the chance for everlasting life and returned to a world full of debauchery which will soon be destroyed.
Don't forget, there is NO honourable way of leaving the JW religion. You will be viewed as either weak or wicked.
I absolutely agree with Patio34, the first thing I thought of when I read your letter was 'uh oh, the elders will see the reference to not being able to serve in good conscience and assume that you've done something wicked.'
Don't hand them a pigeon hole to put you in, let 'em stew for a while and avoid detailed discussions.
All the best,
"unconditional love is the most precious of all gifts".
"practice random acts of kindness & senseless beauty".
well, i really hate to do this, because i've found some nice people here.
Aw c'mon Doug. Reconsider huh?
You don't have to make a final decision now. Just think about it, take a break and come back all refreshed in a few weeks.
P.S. I for one have only spent about one and a half minutes reading Hilda's stuff since he/she came here (as Hilda) and I must say she has certainly proved a point - JW apologists do more harm than good to their cause with their inane ramblings.
i've been a member of this board since summer of last year.
i'm also a member of several jw groups on yahoo.
i love posting stories on the pedophilia scandal or the un stuff just to see what everyone else says.
What we have to remember is that for quite a few posters English is not their first language.
However, whether we like it or not, people often judge us by the spelling and grammar mistakes we make. This means that what we say can be de-valued if we don't take care to type it properly. I agree with Syn, if you have a problem with the English language type what you want to say in a word-processor first (so that it can be spell checked) and then cut and paste it into the board.
never mind i.q.s, here is a link to an intelligence quiz that ought challenge some, while i expect some of us 'postates to ace it.
hint: it relies on common sense a lot.. i scored 10 out of 11 myself and kick myself for missing the one i did.
some may have already seen this, but don't spoil it for the current dubs that i expect to fail it miserably.
Huh, I only got 9 out of 11. I didn't have a clue what an out or an inning was (still don't) and I tripped up on the Moses one.
this is over a 1000 down over last month, which mirrors other years.. nothing much to report in this month's kingdom ministry, just the usual crap of study more, preach more and attend all the meetings; oh, and give us more money.. dmouse .
judge me by my size do you?
- yoda
This is over a 1000 down over last month, which mirrors other years.
Nothing much to report in this month's Kingdom Ministry, just the usual crap of Study more, preach more and attend all the meetings; oh, and give us more money.
Judge me by my size do you? - Yoda
engrish has thrown down the gauntlet by insulting my people about iq.
besides fact that iq bogus, engrish overlook nother fact.. what is intelligence?
what is knowledge?
Yeah, there's a lot of 'grabage' about lately.
Actually though, I agree with you. A degree doesn't make you more intelligent. I've got one and look at me!
I know lots of people without degrees and they can run rings around me.
Also, there are different types of intelligences. Some men can run a multi-million doller business yet not know how to change a toilet roll.
Hi back.
what happens the morning after dateline?
how will most jws react?
these are my thoughts on the matter, which, of course, are open to debate:.
Who cares if they watch it?
Well, I care, actually.
While it’s good that the general public will be made even more aware of the 'wackos' at the helm of the JWs it must be said that the vast majority were never in much danger of joining the religion anyway.
My concern is for the people still trapped inside the system. They are the ones at risk from child molesters.
60 years ago child molestation was virtually unheard of in the general public. This does not mean it didn’t happen, it just means that the attitude of denial prevalent at the time meant that molesters could operate with virtual impunity. Much like the attitude amongst JWs today. My mum was molested during the 1950s by two different men who went their merry way undeterred, because admitting that such things happened was taboo. The attitude that ‘it doesn’t happen here’ means that children are MORE at risk in the JW world than out of it!
So, until the JWs THEMSELVES admit there is a problem the kids will continue to be molested.
That’s why I’m so sad that Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to hide behind their wall of programmed denial.