I was pointed here by Farkel after H20 went pear-shaped.
Posts by dmouse
How Did You Find This Forum?
by SpannerintheWorks ini found this forum whilst perusing the panorama web site.
the link is half way down on the right:.
by happy man in.
i was on an elder meeting 1999, when the gb come upp widh harder ruels fore dfd system and even when we can take back peopel.. they say ther that we had ben to soft, and we must think about to keep org clean, and we must also be carefull not to take back peopel to eary, they must show that they realy regret what they done.. i must ask the former elder on this board, if someone here was on that meeting, it was splitt on two days, and the second day we have this new look on dfd system.. i think this was a very bad move, when i hear this , i was sure that this going to give us problem, but when i read here it is much more problem then i was expeckting.. i is realy tragikal that the gb do this and i think it harm us very much, and ofcourse i think it was wrong, and not from jehova, perhaps satans way to destoy, putt in men like wolfs how putt hard ruels in the cong , impossibel to follow, like this , dont talk to you children if they are dfd, who can follow that .
I wasn't at that meeting happy man, but I felt it's effects. I shunned my dearest sister for years thinking I was doing the right thing. We are once again very close (now that we've both left the org) but the incident has left a permanent scar in our relationship.
The DFing policy is one of the most harmful and barbaric strategies ever devised for keeping control of the rank and file. It is horrible in the extreme and we can barely imagine the heartache and suffering caused by it over the decades. Families and friends split up, divided, destroyed, on the GB's altar of corrupt power.
They really have no heart.
Watchtower cancels UK subscriptions...
by Brummie insorry if this has been posted already..... the watchtower society cancels of all subscriptions .
on the outside wrapping of the latest watchtower and awake!
magazines is this announcement in red capital letters .
Why waste money on postage when you've got willing slaves to spend their own money delivering the
crapmags. They don't care about people's spiritual welfare, the WBTS were out of pocket financially and that's what counts to the big boys.Now JWs will be forced to go on the service even more on the new 'mag routes' this will generate.
Emotional blackmail imminent
by dmouse ini've sent my scans of the march kingdom ministry to stephanus who hopefully will get them onto his website soon.. in the meantime i couldn't resist commenting on page 3 paragraph 5:.
i couldn't give a toss about the old farts in brooklyn but i hated hurting my believing wife when i left the religion.
they seem intent on perpetuating that pain for her with comments like these.
I've sent my scans of the March Kingdom Ministry to Stephanus who hopefully will get them onto his website soon.
In the meantime I couldn't resist commenting on page 3 paragraph 5:
I couldn't give a toss about the old farts in Brooklyn but I hated hurting my believing wife when I left the religion. They seem intent on perpetuating that pain for her with comments like these. Looks like she'll soon be asking me to come to the memorial, and when I say 'no' she'll hurt some more. I despise them for making her engage in this emotional blackmail.
And watch out the rest of you, nobody is safe, the big push to reactivate slacking members is revealed to the rank and file on page 1 paragraph 7.
Same Old Same Old New Light
by Stephanus inin the march 15 watchtower there is an article entitled the early christians and the mosaic law.
it takes a watchtower style look at the debates over what relevance the law had that took place in the early christian era.
this is the passage that sums it all up for the loyal dub (of course):.
Yes, Stephanus, I noticed this paragraph too. On the surface, it seems like preparation of the troops for possible 'new light'? In the meantime it suggests that old chestnut when things don't make any sense: 'waiting on Jehovah'.
The important thing of course is for the JWs not to get too upset because the Faithful Slave has made a balls-up again of understanding the scriptures. And why bother 'making use of the spiritual food we have today' if it will all change tomorrow?
There are some important changes that HAVE to be made sooner or later, whether they like it or not; 1914 and the blood issue for instance are ticking time bombs.
If we do so Jehovah will bless us with endless life that is both happy and satisfying.
My God, this last sentence could have been written by a child, talk about dumbing down! -
What is the relationship; God - Man - Tree
by Chap inassuming that the god of the bible is the creator of all things, what would you consider to be the most accurate relationship of each and why?
my perception is that how we explain this tells a lot about our world view and whether or not we believe in the god of the bible.. .
1) god = highest life form man = high life form tree = low life form.
6) God = Fictitious life form. Man = Life form, mammal. Tree = Life form, plant
Is the Org a human org or is it God's org?
by avengers inthis question can really drive someone batty.we must show "deep respect and wholehearted obedience" to the "society, since it is controlled by the god's holy spirit" (watchtower, 15.10.1960).
"doing what the organization says, means doing what he (jehovah) says.
resistance to the organization means resistance to him.
Well, it depends.
If the Organisation want your complete and utter devotion and obedience then of course they are God's Organisation - and to disobey them means to disobey God Himself.
On the other hand, when their prophecies fail or some serious problem is revealed or 'new truth' replaces an 'old truth' then of course it's a humble man-made organisation which makes mistakes.
Like many beliefs of the JWs, they are adapted to fit the current question. JWs are quite capable of believing two opposed things, but not quite at the same time.
Harry Potter ``imbued with Christian morals''?
by Derrick inmany jehovah's witnesses confused about whether the watchtower society is really the administrative arm of the "faithful and discreet slave class" might breath easier to know that another organization claiming to be god's spokesperson declared at a press conference that they "don't see any problems in the harry potter series.
" associated press (ap) reports the vatican is giving the harry potter series two thumbs up and announced at a vatican press conference "the good vs. evil plot lines of the best-selling books are imbued with christian morals.
" the question in many jw parents minds is whether the governing body's silence on the popularity among children of harry potter indicates they agree with the vatican on its moral assessment of this children's fable?
Misconceptions of a "raised from birth&quo...
by Dawn inhaving been raised as a jw - there were many things i was told and accepted as reality.
even after being df'd for some years i still kept these beliefs - it was not until i became a born again christian that i realized how narrow the view i held was.
perhaps some of you can relate to these small nuggets of the "reality of the world as seen by a jw".... * only a jw has a hope of the resurrection to look forward to when someone dies.
Yes, I remember believing all of those things. Amazing huh!?
Also, the myth about blood transfusions not being effective because it doesn't transport oxygen for the first 24 hours anyway...(actually blood begins to transport oxygen as soon as its transfused).
And how wonderful life was before 1914...no wars or disease or famine etc, people only died of sheer happiness.
Im just a boy disfellowship me
by elumn8 inmy babbygirl she was only 10 years older than i was and everyone looked at us weird... although i thought we just might have a chance at a great relationship... everyone hated her... said you don't know what you want son... and said i was only a boy.
how is it when i'm looking to get married i don't get encouraged... in fact i'm just not ready at all they tell me.
and to make this relationship work she moved 1000 miles here just to see me and everyone says nooo way is it going to work but although i was skeptical i knew we were the perfict match and although noone seemed to care or help when looking for some good possitive advise i decided to forget them all and we have lived a wonderful life for almost a year now.... dissfellowshipped for talking with a girl when i didn't have a full time job... so we moved intogether and got dissfellowshiped because nobody wanted to help us get a good start.... any advice?
Welcome elumn8, (and your friend 'fruitcake')
My wife is four years older than me, we've been married for 18 years. The age difference was never a problem but the fact that she was a JW and I left was.
Hope you work things out, best of luck,