"Bringin' on the Heartbreak" Def Leppard
Love that one!!!
and "Ridin' Dirty" by Chamillionaire
Love that one too...."they see me rollin', they haten, they hopen they gonna catch me ridin' dirty"
(((Ducks under computer desk so no one can see me)))
i was driving home today and elo's "mr. blue sky" came on.
i sang my ass off (closed windows of course).
whats your guilty pleasure song?
"Bringin' on the Heartbreak" Def Leppard
Love that one!!!
and "Ridin' Dirty" by Chamillionaire
Love that one too...."they see me rollin', they haten, they hopen they gonna catch me ridin' dirty"
(((Ducks under computer desk so no one can see me)))
i've been thinking a lot about this lately and i would unhesitatingly say 'yes!'.
we've had our ups and downs - almost always my fault .
my god, how our upbringing can affect us!
I definately would. Over and over and over again. I deleriously in love with my hubby!!!
yep, i walked outside and i could feel it gently blowing across my cheeks.. i looked up and saw a flag.. yep, sure enough, i could see it!.
the wind....oh the glorious northerly wind.. after weeks of winter winds, it seemed for me that was just a memory for now the warm northerly was there - just ever so gently at first but promising better things to come.. yes folks, summer's coming downunder!.
I'll gladly give you ours...104 F today and no rain for....forever it seems. Hope your summer is more pleasant!!!
i was driving home today and elo's "mr. blue sky" came on.
i sang my ass off (closed windows of course).
whats your guilty pleasure song?
I always HAVE to sing to Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran, Duran, Love Shack by the B52's, Toxic by Britney Spears, Tubthumpin (I get knocked down), If You Steal my Sunshine...oh god, I'm making my self sick with shame!
so today i took a little time to go through the house and throw away all of my jw literature and old magazines.
you would not believe the number of watchtowers and awakes in this house!!!
they are freakin everywhere and seem to be reproducing!
So today I took a little time to go through the house and throw away all of my JW literature and old magazines. You would not believe the number of watchtowers and awakes in this house!!! They are freakin everywhere and seem to be reproducing! Where is the strangest place you've found an old watchtower or awake? The strangest place I found one was in the dog's kennel. She was probably using it to wipe her a$$.
Happy Birthday!!!
why is it that when ever you would leave the meetings any earlier then when they were all done...did you feel like everyone was watching you or even sometimes guilty?
sometimes, i would leave at 'halftime' (at the second song) either to go to work or just because i was having trouble dealing with the b.s.
and of course everyone was nosey and would ask my elder dad after the meetings where i went as though i was off to commit some horrible crime.
Our last couple of months pf meetings we NEVER lasted the whole meeting and would snaek out at the half almost every Sunday. You just walk to your car without slowing down or makin eye contact.
jehovah's witness convention
cleveland plain dealer, oh - 29 minutes ago july 29 2006 .
final weekend sessions of the jehovah's witnesses district convention are from 9:30 am to 4 pm today and sunday at the cleveland state university wolstein ...
I love it that they are flip-flopping like this again. I was talking to my mother in-law (JDub) about all of the flip-flopping on issues like vaccinations and organ transplants. She says it's new light, I say it's bullsh** especially to the mother that lost her child to some preventable desease or because of an organ failing that could have been saved with a transplant. I told her to think about if she were the person who lost a loved one days or even weeks before this "new light". Hopefully that got her thinking, and then she'll see this new info.
ok, seriously people, can anyone here say they honestly enjoy las vegas?
what an utterly depressing place.
my wife and i went there for a "wedding".
I love the hotels. There are some really beautiful ones there. But, the sounds in the casinos start to grate on my nerves. It's like a giant Chuck E Cheese.
after reading the stories concerning the 7/7 bombings,i wonder how many heard unbelieveable stories at convention and other meetings?
I heard that one day lions and tigers will eat grass!!! And not the fun kind!!!