Thats what I thought...more cut and paste. You really need to develop your critical thinking skills. You sicken me. Im done with your ilk.
JoinedPosts by Asheron
Re: My 9/11 threads ... a study in NLP ... enjoy!
by What-A-Coincidence in
Re: My 9/11 threads ... a study in NLP ... enjoy!
by What-A-Coincidence in
Shame on you. You post a You tube of Cee Cee's last words to her family and propose that it is a fake without any evidence other than "sounds like she is being fed lines" and her poor husband saying he didnt think cell phones work on a plane in the air. You should be ashamed of yourself posting videos that prove nothing. Cell phones can and do work on an airplane regardless of what you or her that poor man may think. I have used mine while crusing at high altitude as have many others. When you are flying in an airplane, although you may be miles away from cell towers, you do have a direct line of sight where there are no objects in between to interfere. You need to do real research instead of taking other peoples word for things. Shame on you. Go ahead post some more bullshit so I can blow holes in it. Of course you wont respond to me on this one. You will move on to more cut and paste.
Re: My 9/11 threads ... a study in NLP ... enjoy!
by What-A-Coincidence in
Dear What, I, like you, question everything. Unlike you, I do not agree with the so called evidence presented by the 911 "truthers". I have reviewed what both "sides" say about the evidence and have found the conspiracy theorists evidence to be very weak or downright untrue. Have you done your research on the phone calls from the victims that were on the planes to their loved ones and to other sources. One of them was a friend of mine and as we get closer to September 11th my heart breaks a little thinking of his family left without a dad. Here is a link to a downloadable flash presentation showing the victims on the flights and a list of their calls to their friends, loved ones and emergency operators. I would like to see you call one of the surviving family members and tell them that their family member was full of shit when they called from an airplane and told them the plane was hijacked by middle eastern terrorists and they were going to die. You will need a flash player to view all the info. Asheron
Why Evolution Should Be Taught
by hamilcarr inwhy evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
I just had to comment on the stupid ass thread I have re-posted below. Jaguarbass, you are a slope headed ass. Your use of the word "You people" shows you for what you are, an ignorant, racist, blind headed fake patriot. Your ignorance of even our own American history is astounding. My family fought along side of the French for independence to build this country and people like you are free to rant bullshit as a result of the blood of MY forefathers. Buy a f'in book and read it you ass. Hell, turn on your 13 inch black and white TV and watch the history channel.
"You Europeans have a lower crime rate because you cant defend yourself." -Jaguarbass
"America and people who believe in the bible have to come rescue you everytime you get your tit in the ringer."-Jaguarbass
"You people are not even men enough to have the rights to bear arms. Rights have to be fought for and fought to be retained."
"You people who stayed in Europe are of the docile genetic pacifist gene pool".-Jaguarbass
"My European ancestors where of the gene pool of they werent going to take the shxt of the monarchy and surfdom that your forefathers tolerated. So we here in America are a little rougher all the way around."-JaguarbassAnd my favorite, "One of these days were going to kick the evolutionist out of America and do away with the Federal reserves bank and you pussys can all go screw yourselves."-Jaguarbass
Your idea of America is so UN American you really should move to China, but I bet you cant find it on a map.
Asheron -
Science and Truth
by LockedChaos into quote:.
people believe things which can be measured are true things,.
and things that cannot be measured are untrue things.. science is what people point to as a "truth", yet science itself .
Well said Terry
Question for Jcannon.
by Asheron inhello my friend,.
i was reading through a few of your past posts in an effort to get to know the christ better and i have a question.
according to one of your posts from 2003 you tell us that being publically ridiculed or disbelieved by apostates is a fullfilment of prophesy.
JC, I think Im beginning to see now. Its getting clearer. Thanks!!! Im still a bit muddy on the third point though. Can you elaborate? Thanks Ash
Jcanon please help me with these.
by Asheron injc.
can you help me understand these stories?
i want to know why these are in the bible.
JC, Thanks for explaining it that clearly! From researching a few of his posts I think Obves disagrees with you on a few points. Maybe if he reads this he can chime in. Im not sure who is right on this. hmmm Thanks! Ash
Jcanon please help me with these.
by Asheron injc.
can you help me understand these stories?
i want to know why these are in the bible.
Exactly! Im tired of all this science based thinking Ive been doing and as JC pointed out Atheistic thinking is delusional. Since I need to start somewhere I hope he helps me to better understand how Gods justice works as shown in these scriptures.
Jcanon please help me with these.
by Asheron injc.
can you help me understand these stories?
i want to know why these are in the bible.
Can you help me understand these stories? I want to know why these are in the bible. Do they fortell anything happening now?
two angels that visit Lot wash their feet, eat, and are sexually irresistible to Sodomites
Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them [his daughters] as is good in your eyes..Lot and his daughters camp out in a cave for a while. The daughters get their "just and righteous" father drunk, and have sexual intercourse with him..Joseph swears by putting his hand under Jacob's thigh -- a euphemism for holding his testicles in his hand. 47:29
Aaron makes the people take off all their clothes and dance naked around his golden calf. 32:25
Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law) advises Ruth as to how to best seduce Boaz. She tells her to wait until he is a bit drunk and has fallen asleep. Then "go in and uncover his feet [a biblical euphemism for male genitals], and lay thee down; and he will tell thee what to do." 3:3-4
David kills 200 Philistines and brings their foreskins to Saul to buy his first wife (Saul's daughter Michal). Saul had only asked for 100 foreskins, but David was feeling generous. 18:25-27
God is angry at David for having Uriah killed. As a punishment, he will have David's wives raped by his neighbor while everyone else watches. It turns out that the "neighbor" that God sends to do his dirty work is David's own son, Absalom (16:22). 12:11-12
Two sisters were guilty of "committing whoredoms" by pressing their breasts and bruising "the teats of their virginity." As a punishment, one sister's nakedness was discovered, her children were taken from her, and she was killed by the sword. And the fate of the surviving sister was even worse: Her nose and ears were cut off, she was made to "pluck off" her own breasts, and then after being raped and mutilated, she is stoned to death. 23:1-49
Paul, judging from rumors alone, complains that there are fornicators among his followers in Corinth; he is even worried that some have had sex with their fathers' wives. He says that those who have done these things should be "delivered to Satan for the destruction of the flesh" so that their soul can be saved. 5:1-5 -
Question for Jcannon.
by Asheron inhello my friend,.
i was reading through a few of your past posts in an effort to get to know the christ better and i have a question.
according to one of your posts from 2003 you tell us that being publically ridiculed or disbelieved by apostates is a fullfilment of prophesy.
Hello my friend,
I was reading through a few of your past posts in an effort to get to know the christ better and I have a question. According to one of your posts from 2003 you tell us that being publically ridiculed or disbelieved by apostates is a fullfilment of prophesy. Can you tell me how much longer you need to be disbelieved before this fullfilment is complete?