Oh my heavens that is scary!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and get well soon.
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Oh my heavens that is scary!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and get well soon.
...and they're clearly in the mood for pushing it on youtube.. .
what is it with all these random youtube channels, each showing polished and highly-produced videos.
The importance of "No other magazine comes close" is a delusion to the WBTS.
Nobody cares about the "Watchtower." Millions are sitting in people's garages and closets or have been tossed in the trash.
Afterall, it is a printing company. Just a printing company of literature read and acquired mostly only by their members. Do the math...millions put in the bin.
An outstanding accomplishment WBTS, truly.
my mil of 38 years - who has not spoken to me for the 9 years since i left her cult - died on sunday.. today, as a favor to my sil who has spoken to me very rarely, for the same reasons, over the same period of time, i was moving some personal items to her home from the nursing home.
in this instance i guess it is ok to speak with me - if i have a strong back and a conveyance that aids her needs at the moment.. anyway, in the parking lot of the apartment complex where she lives, while we are moving in those items, guess who shows up?
five or six of my old 'best friends'.
I know. You forget for a minute there are people that you have known for years that treat you like you are invisible when meeting. You forget because in RL, people greet one another and act like human beings for the most part. And then you run into a former JW relative/friend...then you remember..."oh yeah, I'm invisible."
It's frustrating and maddening...still.
May your MIL truly rest in peace.
i moved to a new home about 6 months ago, so am no longer on a do not call list, but have not been contacted by jw's yet.
i didn't even know which territory i am in.
i asked again what congregation and he told me.
Well done Paul.
I'm sure you left an impression with them. Maybe someday, when they are sitting in a meeting hearing once again "Yay!!! All the billions of wicked people are going to be destroyed (one of my fave terms) soon!" their heart will tug, and your words will come to mind and maybe they will think a little longer on what that means.
for those who are interested, the november 2012 awake!
is now available for download online.. among items of possible interest are some of the latest examples of fear-mongering "armageddon art" on pages 12 and 14.... .
speaking of armageddon, you will be sad to hear that the criteria for surviving the great day of god's wrath just got a little more stringent.. there are a number of extra things in this month's awake!
"In one Asian land..."
I feel like they are writing to my elderly mom who never traveled and got all her world information from the Awake!. She'd find that an interesting tidbit from the FDS. **sigh**
i found this video posted on facebook.
it should also be on freeminds.org and freedomofmind.com .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_tu5o_webs.
Nice interview Randy. Xx
(I miss badboy.)
a ted talk!.
very interesting!.
Marked for later.
yesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
00DAD, you are doing the right thing.
Kids don't forget anything. Even though your son feels he is doing the right thing for the greater good, it is not without pain. Who knows what the future will bring as the years keep rolling along. What he will know is you love him and you did what you had to do for your life(something kids just don't understand until they get older).
I hate this GDF***ing religion. The pain it causes between loved ones on both sides makes my blood boil. For nothing. Absof***inglutely nothing.
Good luck. Hang in.
my wife, the hungarian goddess, and i just returned from a wonderful one week vacation in yosemite!
i've been many times as a child and young adult, but haven't been for 17 years or so.
it was the hungarian's first time.
Thanks 00Dad. I'll scheck it out! :-)