ABSOLUTELY! It is a tremendous loss...loss of belief, loss of family and friends, anger at oneself, anger at the WBTS...it goes on and on.
Posts by Dagney
5 stages of dealing with TTATT?
by El_Guapo inthanks to this website and jwfacts, i have come to learn the "infamous" ttatt.. i've had soooo many emotions the last couple months.. (fyi: i've been baptized since '95 third gen jw, elder father and every other member of my family is a regular pioneer).
i was wondering, like dealing with greif : are there 5 stages for dealing with ttatt?.
Poll---How Many Are Facebook Users & On Average How Often Are You On That Site?
by minimus ini have facebook.
i probably get on it 4 or 5 days a week, typically to see what's going on with family and those i know.
plus pictures!.
I am. Sweet Pea from here got me into FB, even though I was adverse to it at the start. Through FB I now have many friends, most from the exJW community, some from JWD/N, and some just by association.
I post pretty mundane things when I feel like it, pics etc. What I love about it is I've now met about 20 people from around the world through the exJW FB connection, as well as ones I haven't met in person but have come to know through FB. Leaving JW left a gaping hole in my association, and with FB it doesn't feel quite as gaping.
I check it all through the day and sometimes have running convos, like the one right now about sake and I just had a chat with JK666. Crumpet, who I never met personally but we have mutual friends from the UK, now lives in the Maldives. I love reading her posts and seeing her pics. This would be a friendship I would miss if I didn't have FB...along with many many others.
Is unhappiness a reason for divorce ?
by caliber inhere are some sample expressions i found on-line.
my spouse is not abusive, mean, a bad person, an adulterer or any of those other labels.
my spouse refuses to grow up.
Pretty much everything "still thinking" said.
I have had this conversation with many over the years. I felt one way long ago, but older and wiser, I now know better. Marriage can be sacred/holy or whatever you want to call it if both work to make it so. If it falls apart, for any number of reasons, and after sincere efforts to save it with counseling etc., it is best to part and move forward in life. Your partner does not make your life, you do. However, it is always painful.
I had a friend who after 5 years knew it was a one sided marriage. But he said he would not leave until the last child was 18 years and off to college, which he did. He did not want his kids to grow up the way he did in a broken household. When he ended it, after trying to get her for years to go to counseling, she hated him and the two grown kids hated him. A few years down the road now the kids understand more. But it was painful for them even as adults.
Born in, Convert or 1975er?
by Think About It indoes a person's involvement in the jw religion usually fall into one of these 3 categories?.
a) born in.
b) convert.
Born in.
JW's on Christmas Day
by Jim_TX inmy wife, my m-i-l and i were driving over to my wife's aunt's home on christmas day to celebrate christmas - which involved letting the aunt's great-great-grandkids open their presents, and eating an early supper (or late lunch).. we were on the way at around 10:30am to 11:00am to the house.
about a couple of miles away, whilst driving through the neighborhood, i spotted a couple of middle-aged young women wearing skirts down to their ankles, and carrying large handbags (aka 'bookbags').
they were between houses, and walking slowly... pioneer stroll?....
@Theocratic Sedition: I'm curious, what did they say?
I'm a raised in, but we did not go out every holiday, but more than enough to leave me scarred. Especially as a kid, looking into those houses all warm and full celebration, it was a "test" as we were told.
Eventually I too felt how disrespectful it was and was saying "Happy Holiday" even at the door. I told my fellow JW's that I really wished them that, just as much as I would wish them a "nice day."
The last 10 yrs or so I was in our friends created our own traditions...as in we had our own "non" holiday parties, sleepovers, brunches. I've been to many "non Thanksgiving-Thanksgiving" dinners at elder's houses.
So, What Did You Get For XMas?
by minimus ini got a few items of clothing, candy, a brand new mattress and boxspring, tea scented cologne and tea scented soap.. what did you recieve??
(good or bad).
Leopard jammies, two chenille throws, book on rocks and minerals , skull earrings and cigars, gift cards, starbucks mug and coffee, and Brizzy and I gave each other a ticket to see Eddie Izzard.
A lovely, non stressful Xmas this year. Hope I remember how to do it next year.
Charles Durning, character actor, dies at 89
by wha happened? inhttp://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/entertainment&id=8931503.
"Queen of the Stardust Ballroom." Loved it. RIP Charles.
New letter RE public witnessing.. omg they are setting up stands!!!
by BigE inthis link contains news of a letter sent to the elders about witnesses setting up stands to peddle literature in public places!
how desperate are they?
it sounds sad honestly... and they are told not to argue with apostates .
I remember when they were announcing manning the tables at the DMV. I sol because my hours weren't high enough. And special consideration was given to pioneers first.
I've seen the booths at colleges, airports, shopping malls as well.
ATTENTION! Apocalypse may still be a "GO"
by palmtree67 inlarge.. locust.. in.. my.. pool.. .
That's the thing about apocalypsesssses...sems like we are just one hop away from the next one.
Dec.21st and the countdown to the Mayan Apocalypse
by designs indecember 21 marks the winter solstice and the end of a cycle called the 13th b'ak'tun.. 1.will we see a few who want to join the celestial parade ala those who wanted to hop on a comet a few years ago.. 2.should koolaid and vodka be banned dec. 20th.. 3.will the wt.
come out with an article making fun of those who 'falsely predict the end of the world' .
i'll take bets on #3.
So far so good!