Ha ha, nice one Anders.
Edited to add:
My parents came in during the late 1930's. So WT opinion about vaccines, aluminum, chiropractors etc. was part of my growing up. In some ways, my parents were very health conscious from a "natural" standpoint. The doctor at my birth was a JW MD and a chiropractor, pretty well known in the LA area. I had asthma as a child, and my mother pursued natural ways of helping me through attacks. I'm grateful for especially my mother being so health conscious.
In retrospect, I'm glad nothing like polio or other serious diseases hit our family, because who knows what they would have done. Honestly, scary to think about it now. I had two nonJW uncles that were doctors, one was SDA. They finally let my uncle give my my first penicillin shot when I was about 10.
It's that blind faith in an organization that has no respect for science that is so scary. They kill people.