So many filler articles to fill those biweekly mags for years...
Even the Bethelites got a kick of some of those crazy article.
One of my all time favorites:
"Your Servant the Pencil."
awake 1976 - should a pocket calculator be in your pocket?.
somehow this totally zany 'bible based' article passed me by first time around!.
anyone remember it?.
So many filler articles to fill those biweekly mags for years...
Even the Bethelites got a kick of some of those crazy article.
One of my all time favorites:
"Your Servant the Pencil."
this thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?). the corporation doesn't plan for its financial security...
i remember sitting through public talks where the speaker spent the hour discussing in great detail anal sex, masturbation (of yourself and others), sex during menstruation and so on.
i was a child, looking back now, i realise that they systematically stripped away our childhood innocence, we knew and heard things no 'worldly' child would have heard.. the child abuse and grooming happened to every single one of us, the feelings of guilt and shame was in all of us even if we didn't actually do anything bad, the mental images caused by these filthy men hung around in our innocent minds till there was no room for that innocence.. it has taken me 44 years to realise that what was done to us, even those of us not physically abused, is a crime.. do they still have talks like that nowadays i wonder?
I remember one of my peers in the congregation was assigned the talk on masterbation from the "Youth" book.
Remember that...they went chapter by chapter from that book for the ministry school!!!
We were all mortified!! We all felt so sorry for the bro.
I remember now at about 11 years old I had the talk "was the first sin sexual intercourse." I barely knew about that stuff!
Ai yi yi
i think someone else noticed this here recently.
i wondered when i signed on today july 9, 2024, that even the avatars were missing.
does simon know?
I noticed that also. I thought it was my computer.
have any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
I've always told my friends and family when asked that I didn't have issues with the congregation or elders or anyone, but I did have issues with the corporation. Some get exactly what that means and go no further. Those that wonder what I mean just tell them to google something, usually something specific. I don't send links to anything unless I know it's completely safe. The Candace Conti thing was very effective, especially once they got into the youtubes. The Australian Royal Commission was also very effective. There is so much out there now, if you can drop a hint like "man I never thought this would ever happen" about the cases in Montana/Pennsylvania, Norway. Dave Gracey's experience as an elder and the case with his daughter and the elders and Utah Supreme Court should be eye opening to anybody.
My goal was always to plant a seed, a quick thought of something they would not forget. It could be an inconsistency with one of their doctrines, or hypocrisy with giving "aid," just a thought with a bit of acting thrown in with my own "shock". Maybe when they hear it at the hall or wherever, they will remember what it was I had an issue with.
Good luck!
this is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
(as I read through this thread it cracks me up it's all about a talking snake. A TALKING SNAKE!!!)
(Did Noah get those snakes on the boat so Moses could write about a talking snake, [a TALKING SNAKE!!], hundreds of years later?)
See, this is why even as a kid it sounded absolutely crazy to me.
Don't worry I'm leaving the room.
i am in western canada.
we use to have our assembly in saskatoon.
our assembly has moved to medicine hat.
I live in Long Beach. There are usually 12-13 conventions during the summer. English, Spanish and a vibrant Asian community is around here, so multiple groups would be meeting in various convention rooms.
I love to hear the attendance is soooo low. YAY!!!!
what warnings are the cult giving the "sheeple?".
in the study article on page 20 - "are you heeding the warnings?
", jw's are threatened what their fate will be if they don't support the elite, "anointed" jw's, the 33 degree aka, the self-appointed gibbering body - they will be toast very soon:.
One of the primary ways that sheeplike ones support Christ’s brothers is by assisting them in the preaching work.
That's a great laugh. You mean like the two guys I saw last week sitting by their literature carts on a stretch of sidewalk where nobody was walking?!
the watchtower—study edition | september 2024. enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.
9 though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate jehovah’s generous use of power.
we cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others.
Through years and years of indoctrination of "them and us," JW's have a disconnect with humanity. I realized it when I left that even though I thought I was a "nice" person, I didn't really take any personal interest in others around me, neighbors, work mates etc. It was sobering and embarrassing to me. It was especially sobering when I had left JW, my elderly mom took ill and at times I was really frazzled trying to juggle everything, work, her hospitalization and everything that came after that. My neighbors, and workmates continually offered support, many offering prayers etc. I was humbled and often in tears with their acts of kindness. I didn't need another nail in the coffin, but this was one anyway.
The JW folks follow their master's example.
certainly amongst the best actors ever.
probably the best.
kelly's heroes and don't look now a couple of my favourites.
MASH, Ordinary People...