Atlas Shrugged.
PS Arthur. I've meant to comment "Arthur" is one of my all time favorite movies. I am MOST annoying to be around when watching...I love to say the lines outloud. LOL
new boy.
it is what they call new guys at bethel.
its a way the guys, who have been there awile (like over a year) to put you down.................if you are a new boy you don't know how the organization really works.. one of my favorite new boy stories is about lyman swingle gb.. lunch in the 124 lower dining room 1973. lyman swingle table head said to a new black bethelite........"boy would you pass me the potatos?
Atlas Shrugged.
PS Arthur. I've meant to comment "Arthur" is one of my all time favorite movies. I am MOST annoying to be around when watching...I love to say the lines outloud. LOL
james rayford !
one of the borgs finest.
a true company man.
Oh goody!!
james rayford !
one of the borgs finest.
a true company man.
Oh the DRAMA!!!
Got another e-mail to "disregard" and delete this clip.
So what's the deal? Anyone?
Are they just trying to cover this up or is he for real?
james rayford !
one of the borgs finest.
a true company man.
Okay...I just got word this is a fake from a source at "HQ".
Anybody else hear this?
I think it's flying around the internet right now.
james rayford !
one of the borgs finest.
a true company man.
This is his 15 minutes of fame!!!
i've had this thought for quite a while and wonder if fits with the recent talk about the wts claiming that matt.
24:14 has been fulfilled.
my thought was this --- in the wake of the recent cutbacks at bethel, scaling back of literature, and other cost cutting measures, could the wts be preparing the r&f for the complete or massive reduction of literature that would normally be placed with "householders?
Actually, they have alluded to the Matt. 24:14 being fulfilled before. It may have been at a District Convention, but I really think it was also in the followup Watchtower study I think mid 90's. This is not new,imo. Their logic (if you could call it that) was the preaching work is global now, computerized...whatever...and it is in the entire inhabited earth.
It is really the same blah blah blah...but more dramatic...and like has been mentioned, all about control. I heard that the PO from my old hall told the congregation that we are at "dirt in the toenails of the image in Daniel." (I know..."huh") Well it stirred up a lot of people like it did me 20 years ago...just waiting for that sign for the GT to begin... sheesh.
I don't believe the WTBS will do anything to lose control over the people. They've got the "Simplification" program going, and they are probably going to make a killing on the Dumbo property.
i'm still somewhat hopeful my family will one day 'see the light'.
in your experience, did any of your family members finally understand your reason for leaving and communicate with you as a family member and not an apostate?.
Mine family is evolving. I think in the beginning they just gave me space thinking I'd be back soon. Nobody ever asked me anything. They just heard through the grapevine I was not attending meetings.
Now it's taken a more severe turn. I heard that I have been "marked" by non-family but close "high-profile JW" friends. I think that was a result of running into one in the market. I told them I wouldn't be going to the DC after they had gone on and on about how they were "hanging in there" and reg pioneering. Since then I see a distance from the rest of the JW family.
I predict that they will swing back again at some point. I hear my mother will not let them talk badly about me. Bless her.
In the end...I do not care. I wish it was different in the respect I do love these people...but I am too happy with my life now to change.
The divisions this religion causes does anger me. Curse them.
i'm thinking about joining the aaa auto club.
my car is getting along in years and isn't going to get replaced any time soon.
i'm imagining that my stranded-on-the-side-of-the-road moment is imminent.
I've been a member for years, and man, does it come in handy. I've always had need for it.
I did some comparison with some other services, but for the price difference, it didn't seem worth it to change. But i would do the comparison.
Also the "Plus +" service sure came in handy the one time I had to be towed. And their travel services are nice, sometimes they even beat the other internet offers.
i was just reading the convention thread..the wbt$ tells jehovah`s witness`s which hotels they can and cannot stay in..i`ve been out a long time,so this is news to me..wbt$ continues to expand thier control over jehovah`s witness`s..jehovah`s witness`s continue to give up more and more of thier personal freedom to a publishing company.this has continued for as long as i can remember..make no mistake,wbt$ will come up with many more rules for jehovah`s witness`s to follow...what new moronic rules do you see the wbt$ imposeing on jehovah`s witness`s?...outlaw
Does anyone remember the mirrors being covered over in the ladies restroom? Lest the spent too much time vainly viewing themselves and miss much needed spiritual food? (Oh, that was a grand time.)
Yes Outlaw...the rules are just as strict, but different. I live in a district convention town that hosts 13 conventions during the summer. They tell the friends to not even buy a coffee from the coffee cart in the lobby of the arena. But there is a line everyday. Also in the concessions that are verbotten.
My JW friends tell me constantly "people do whatever they want to do. They don't listen to a bunch of old men at Bethel." That always makes me that true? For some yes...but I don't know, I think A LOT listen to the old men at Bethel.
just feeling a bit fed up.
it's not always like this i know but i'm wondering if life would be far easier for me and my wife if i just drew a line under all my efforts to maintain a relationship with my jw mother, brother and sisters.
all the rejection, judgementalism and condescension gets a bit much after a while.. how many here actually said 'goodbye' to their jw family and can honestly say they did not regret it?.
I mentally said "good-bye" five years ago knowing full well anything could happen. In the last year, some have implemented the shunning, which bothers me a little, but not very much because I expected it.
I wish the family could be together like we used to, but not enough to return. I think they are using the big guns right now with me hoping I'll be scared or shamed into returning. For that reason alone I want no part of this religion. I think it's "their loss," and I'm sure they think it is "my loss."
It's all a challenge...filling in the void etc. But not enough to go back.