Me me me!!!!
I struggle with this daily...
After I stopped going to meetings and I was working through the grieving process of the loss of everything (my youth, friends know the drill), I felt God helping it seemed. I also focused more on the wonders of nature and the universe...which made me feel closer to God, so I thought. brought me through a troubled time which I am grateful for.
It didn't erase the niggles and seeming inequities of his rulership though. Now I am wondering, did I create this God in my brain, and my brain conjured up the feelings?
I almost ordered Dawkins book last's still in my queue.
Even with this questioning of "his" existence...I don't feel bad about things either. I feel relieved that there isn't a secret handshake you need to know to keep you from eternal damnation and scorn from believers. But then, I felt a little lost this week attending a memorial at a KH of a dear friend. I wanted to pray for peace and comfort for the family...which I did...but sort of a "one eye open" kind of request. Don't know exactly what to do in those situations.
I agree with others here in reminding myself to live fully in the moment (BELIEVE ME that came in handy after the service when confronted with my old elder body and former friends.) It really works...and loving life...every minute of it.