Sounds wonderful!!!! Have a great time and tell lots of stories!!
Posts by Dagney
Good-bye, friends
by BizzyBee inwe bees leave for our trip this afternoon - a river cruise from budapest to the black sea.
everyone on the ship is a tandem cycling couple.
we will visit hungary, serbia, moldav, romania, austria, germany and croatia.. it will be a nice break from politics and the world news since we don't watch much tv on these trips.. hold down the fort - see you in a couple of weeks!.
Who else, besides me?
by AK - Jeff inover the years on jwn i have often found myself hunting through posts of newcomers, hoping against hope i suppose, that the newbie would be one of my former friends in the local congregation down the street.. i just find it hard to imagine that not a soul among these people has taken the courage to investigate their religion and leave like my wife and i have done.. as the local 'active apostate', i also supposed that at any moment some of the 'brothers' would come covertly to my home, knock and say something like " i am out - please let's talk about it, why i left, why you left.
but, none of the above has ever happened.
i did come across a local former jw here, from another congregation, and we have become good friends over the past few years.
Me too sigh.
I live in SoCal, and I know there are thousands of exJW's around me, and the majority have just moved on.
I am still shocked when I hear almost all my former JW friends are still "in." Shocked I tell you! I keep thinking some might be inactive or SOMETHING! But noooo...just status quo. I hear they are not the happiest, still praying for the paradise to come quickly.
Conti Trial Transcripts and Court Documents of Attorney Zalkin's cases of 5 victims WT settled out-of-court, San Diego, all available to download using MediaFire
by AndersonsInfo inthe conti trial transcripts have been uploaded using mediafire.. .
conti trial transcript:
the public domain court documents for the 5 victims wt settled out-of-court case in may-june 2012, attorney irwin zalkin, san diego, calif., have been uploaded using mediafire:.
Thank you Barbara!
Introducing Mrs Cedars...
by cedars ini just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
Welcome Mrs. Cedars! I look forward to you comments.
My baby has a friend!
by mrsjones5 init's hard for my youngest son joshua to make and keep friends because his autism gets in the way.
there's this neighbor boy who lives across the way who's asked to be josh's friend.
it's been so cool.
That's wonderful!!!
JW Longo Story on ABC TV July 11th "Final Witness"
by AndersonsInfo in
final witness*.
air date: wednesday, july 11, 2012. time slot: 10:00 pm-11:00 pm est on abc.
Taping it. Actually on my way to Oregon and will see a few JW's. I'm going to ask them if they are going to watch it.
Aren't Jehovah's Witness Child Baptisms Lovely?
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals!.
aren't jehovah's witness child baptisms lovely?.
Today I listened to a JW talk about how appalled she was at the Scientology indoctrination of children, she is following Tom Cruise divorce on TV. I need to find a way to bring up the baptism of the young JW children. I want to say something she will think about not just turn her off.
Trust me ...I'm a doctor ;-)
by Kudra inas of this morning, i *am* a doctor!.
dr kudra, phd!.
la de da!.
There she is!!!
Gosh did you do it right missy!!! All the love, praise and respect to you Doc!!!!
All this GD talk about sushi made me go have GD sushi...and yes, I've had sake.
Spare the Rod and spoil the child, How did that work for you
by jam inin proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
((Band)) and everyone.
It's creepy thinking about that isn't it?